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When To harvest Carrots? Now Explained

by Idris Ya'u
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In this article, I’m going to discuss when to harvest carrots. I’m going to also answer some of your frequently asked questions about harvesting carrots. Let’s jump right in.

Short answer: under normal growing conditions, baby carrots should be harvested from 50 to 60 days after seed planting. On the other hand, mature carrots should be harvested about 60-80 days after seeds planting. However, some varieties of carrots can take longer than this time. But, you will know your carrots are ready when the carrots are about 0.75-1 inch diameter and also when the roots begin to pop out of the garden soil.

For detailed step by step guide on when to harvest carrots, read on.

Information about carrots

Carrots grow best in cool weather, so planting them in early spring for harvest in early summer will give them opportunity to thrive. You can also plant them in late summer for harvest in early autumn and winter.

Carrots grow easily from seeds. You can plant the seeds by using your fingers to create thin rows or furrows in the soil. Plant the seeds in rows, about 15 seeds per foot. Cover the seeds lightly with soil and water.

Carrots are a relatively easy crop to grow in the garden, whether on the ground, on an elevated bed, or in a container. Give them loose garden soil at the seedling stage and dilute them appropriately, and you will most likely succeed in growing carrots.

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Carrot is a known source of essential vitamins and minerals.

They can be made into different products including skincare products and edible products. It is very beneficial to the skin and hair. It is a delicious meal to snack on.

The health benefits of carrots are numerous and includes: Carrots are good for the eyes. It lowers the risk of cancer. Boosts the immune system. Helps relieve constipation and strengthens the bones.

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As long as the carrots have reach their required size (which is usually 2 to 3 inches shoulder tall), you can harvest them.

You can usually tell when they are ready to be harvested because the thick upper end of the carrot will slightly lift out of the ground.

Carrots should be ready for harvest about 60-80 days after sowing, depending on the variety.

The top of the carrot root is about 3/4 to 1 inch in diameter and may start to pop out of the soil, but not necessarily.

Carrots mature at about the same time, but you don’t have to harvest them all at once. Leaving them in the soil is the best way to preserve them. If the weather is cold, use extra mulch to protect the carrots from freezing.

To harvest the carrot, you may have to use a spade or trowel to loosen the soil around the carrots before pulling them up from the greens; this will help avoid breaking the vegetables from the carrot roots.

Related: How To Harvest Onions And Garlic 


To store carrots in the refrigerator, put the carrots in a container, trim the vegetables, leaving about an inch, then put them in the refrigerator. You can save the vegetables for other uses or compost them.

Renew the carrot water if the water becomes a little colored before you start eating them. This method keeps fresh carrots crispy for more than a week or two.

Related: learn how to store your carrots step by step


Soak the soil thoroughly and then let the soil dry slightly before watering again.

Be careful not to let the soil become completely dry. Avoid shallow irrigation, which will produce short, shallow carrots.

Eliminate fine weeds by scraping the soil surface. Don’t wait for them to grow bigger, as they will compete with carrots for water and nutrients. When this happens, weeds always grow out in front.

If carrots stick out of the ground, cover their crowns with soil or mulch. Exposure to the sun will cause the tops of carrots to turn green and bitter.

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Frequently asked questions

What happens if you leave carrots in the ground?

Leaving your carrots in the ground for too long can make the carrots use all the energy stored in the roots for the production of flowers and seeds. Then, the carrots will eventually die off. You can still find some roots but of low quality.

How tall should carrots before harvesting?

The shoulders of the carrots should be about 0.75-0.5 inch before the carrots become ready for harvesting.

Should you harvest carrots before they flower?

If you are growing carrots for roots, you should not allow the carrots to flower. Harvest the carrots during the first growing season when the carrots have grown taller, sweet, and thick. However, if you are growing the carrots in order to save the seeds for the next season, leave the carrots till they flower and produce seeds.

When to harvest carrots in South Africa?

Carrots are sown in South Africa from Early autumn to spring. Generally, it can be grown the whole season I’d the summer is not hot. From planting to harvesting, carrots take 60-80 days.

When to harvest carrots in Georgia?

This is usually written on the seeds packet. However, if you get the seeds from local growers, you can harvest the carrots when they are about 0.5 inch. You can leave the carrots to experience a little bit of Georgia winter cold before harvesting, which increase the taste and texture of the carrots.

When to harvest carrots in NJ?

You can harvest carrots in new Jersey when the carrots sie up properly about 1 inch tall. In New Jersey, carrots can generally take 65-70 days from sowing seeds to harvesting.

When to harvest carrots in UK?

In UK, carrots are usually planted during the late spring through Autumn. Your carrots in UK can be ready from 12 to 16 weeks after seeds planting.


I hope this article helps you understand the right time for harvesting carrots. I would like to hear from you. Let me know if you have any questions.

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