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How To Harvest Onions And Garlic

by Idris Ya'u
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In many homes, onions and garlic are essential foods . But do these plants really bring any health benefits to your dishes? Or are they purely for flavouring?

Its wide range of vitamins and minerals makes it easy for people who would like to consume these vegetables. may suggest that pale foods such as onions and garlic do not provide much nourishment. However, although they do not look like nutritional powerhouses, experts say they do.

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The nutritional content of onion is very similar to garlic, which makes it the best supplement.


Garlic needs well-drained and sunny soil and must be planted between the end of August and the end of September. The garlic seeds are the same garlic clove. Be sure to choose the right size garlic, no more than 10 cloves per head. If our seeds or cloves are large, they will produce garlic of the right size when harvested.

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Before planting, we must prepare the soil, loosen it and apply a layer of compost. The sowing interval is 10-15 cm, and it can be ditch or dense. If it is in rows, we can mix our garlic with beets, lettuce and tomatoes. The close planting is done using the 3-bolillo technique.

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When planting seeds, we must observe our garlic cloves well to avoid the opposite. The tip or thin part is the upper part, while at the bottom we can see a small flat surface. The skin of garlic cloves should not be removed. The seeding depth of our garlic is twice that of cloves (about 5 cm), and a little compost and water should be applied when sowing. You can cover to prevent water loss and weed growth.

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The garlic sprouts will start to come out in approximately 4-8 weeks, depending on the climate and the variety.


During the growth period, it can tolerate low temperatures, but to form bulbs, it needs higher temperatures (20-25oC) and long days, that is, 12 to 16 hours. Light about. Less time than needed (short days) will only make the leaves grow.

Regarding the type of soil, the suitable soil for growing the onions is loose, permeable soil rich in organic matter, without drainage problems.

Carry out warehouse and transplantation.

For the warehouse, the furrow spacing is 8cm. In a 1m 2 warehouse, there are 10 grams. Get 1,200 to 1,500 seedlings from seeds.

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In order to obtain early onions, we must make early seedlings.

40-50 days after sowing, seedlings enter transplanting conditions (10-15 cm high, 0.5 cm diameter).

The recommended transplanting distance is between rows: 40 cm, and between plants: 8-10 cm.


Water is a very important factor in garlic cultivation. Excessive water or humidity is conducive to the growth of Phytophthora infestans and causes damage to leaves, stems and bulbs.

Garlic ringworm is a small larva that opens channels in bulbs and leaves.
-To control it, observe the appearance of the eggs under the leaves and remove them.

Garlic must be watered adequately but not excessively.

The soil must maintain its humidity, but if we water too much, it will cause disease.

Keep your plants free of weeds.

Use a little compost every month to fertilize, break up the topsoil, and avoid touching plants or getting too deep.

Some garlic will produce flower stems that can be used for cooking.

Garlic needs cold winters to grow better bulbs.


It is recommended to water the land before transplanting.

During the entire crop cycle, it is recommended to irrigate through furrows and to suspend watering 30 days before harvest.

The corm stage has the greatest demand for fertilizer, which is convenient for adding compost and earthworm compost.

Diseases and pests should also be taken care of.

In pests, we can mention nematodes (these attack stems and leaves, stay in the soil and dormant in dead tissues), thrips (extract cell fluid, the culture is silver) and mites (they develop allergies in cataphiles, leaves Yellowing, plant dwarfism).

In diseases, we can mention, white rot (avoid excessive watering during cold periods), mold (weeding or removing the microenvironment of the crop to allow better ventilation; spraying the plants with chamomile and horsetail preparations), and finally It’s neck rot-Staphylococcus (avoid very fertile soil and excessive watering).


To harvest garlic, stop watering the garlic two weeks before harvest. This helps dry and clean.

Remove the leaves and remove the plant completely.

Sometimes the bulbs are very rooted.

Separate the leaves from the bulbs at harvest and loosen the surrounding soil slightly to avoid this.

It is important to note that harvesting takes place 4-5 months after sowing, at which time some plants are yellow.

After harvesting, you must marinate them for 4-5 days, which means you must store the garlic in a dry place to prevent them from losing moisture.

Set aside 2-3 high-quality seed-sized garlic for the next season.

At the end of the pickling process, you can cut off the garlic leaves, leave the stem about 3-5 cm, and keep the head in the net. Another storage method is to weave garlic.

The onions can be harvested 180 to 210 days after the transplant.

At the beginning of the maturation process, the leaves at the height of the neck of the bulb soften and bend on the ground.

From this moment on, the onions can be harvested, so watering must be suspended.


I hope this article helps you with useful tips on how to harvest onions and garlic. I will like to hear from you. So, let me know if you have any questions.

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