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How To Harvest Seeds From Pansies

by Idris Ya'u
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Pansy is one of the outstanding flowering plants of autumn. It is cheerful, colourful and incredibly beautiful. Pansies have become one of the essential plants in any green space and are popularly known.

The Pansies are most described as plants with faces, which means that their petals are flat and show a pattern that resembles a look.

Although pansies come in a wide variety of colours such as purple, gold, orange, and violet, there are essentially two types: those with a single, solid colour and those with a dark centre border.

Pansy can withstand the low temperatures of winter. They are together with Violas from which you can now identify them.


Despite being resistant and undemanding plants, the truth is that Pansies do require particular specific care in their cultivation if we want their flowering to appear at the beginning of autumn and accompany us even until the beginning of summer.

To begin with, you need to know when it’s the best time to plant them. September is, without a doubt, the month is an excellent time to start planting them if we want to see quick results and growth.

Pansies that are already germinated and grown in pots. However, if we intend to plant pansy through with the seeds, we will have to hurry: the ideal months to prepare the seedbeds are those in which there is still a good range of hours of sunshine (July and August).

Read also: How to harvest seeds from Peonies

If you decide to start the seedbeds now, you will be successful if September is a month where the benefits of summer are still being felt.

The only thing is, you will have to be careful to keep them indoors when they begin to germinate. Since their germination is starting later than average, they are likely giving the first typical winter frosts in total development.

And, although Pansy is a rustic plant that perfectly withstands the cold, it is also true that it will be necessary to be careful with temperature drops in its growing season. To plant Pansies, there are very few elements essential to enjoy the plant successfully, one of which is the soil.

Even a rustic plant, needs a substrate rich in nutrients and organic materials. A unique help to make the plant thrive on making it bloom continuously. In addition to having rich soil, it is also more than interesting to consider helping the plant with adequate flowering fertilizers. We will have to apply, especially in the first weeks after the transplant to its final site.

Read also: How To Harvest Seeds From Petunias


The velvety flowers of the pansy plant add colour to the flower garden, fences and containers. You can prick the back of dried flowers to help promote their growth throughout the summer and fall.

At the end of summer and winter, it is time for the pansy flower plants to give their seeds. The seed head will develop after the flower petals have fallen off the plant. The filled pods can be collected and saved for future planting.

One, let the flowers of the plant disappear, and the petals fall. You will soon recognize a nucleus growing in the centre of the star-shaped leaf unit.

Two, watch the seed pod grow. It will initially be green in colour, and then it will develop a conical shape. The pod is ready when all five sepals turn light brown and have a hard, dry texture. It will make a rattling noise when the plant pis are shaken. Some pods can pop open when ready for harvest. You will be able to recover some of the seeds if they have not fallen from the plant.

Three, squeeze the plant’s seed pods or cut them off with scissors. Four, drop the seedpods into a small paper bag as they are harvested from the plants.

Five, set the pods out on a paper towel for a few days to make sure they are scorched. Open them and scrape the seeds with your fingers. Store the dried seeds in labelled paper envelopes or glass jars. Harvesting pansies can be done in different ways, as long as the result is excellent. It is best to harvest pansies by seed.


The time expected for sowing is usually at the end of August, you may want to put the seedbed in a sheltered place, with a humid substrate and at a temperature between 15º and 18º C. Also, you may want to transplant your pansies into the garden.

I hope you find this pansy harvesting guide useful. I would like to hear from you. Let me know if you have any questions about harvesting pansy seeds. Also, learn how to harvest seeds from peace lilies here.

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