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How To Harvest Seeds From Petunias

by Idris Ya'u
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Petunia seeds need to grow under good conditions to produce healthy plants, which will produce flowers that are most suitable for seed preservation.

It is very easy to grow these plants from seeds, it is also easy to collect and save, and you will get beautiful flowers in return.


Petunia seeds are small and require adequate care when planting.

To plant the seeds, use a stick to carefully press the seeds carefully on the surface of the soil. Now, petunia seeds are very light to germinate, so do not bury them deep into the soil. You can lightly cover them with soil instead.

After you have planted your seeds, sprinkle water to thoroughly moisten the medium. Be careful not to soak the soil

Basically, the petunia seeds germinate within 10 days of planting. Although, some seeds take longer, as long as three weeks to germinate.

Related:How To Get Seeds From Bolted Lettuce Step By Step


The petunia seeds should be planted in good garden soil about 12-18 inches apart.

Avoid moist soil and too much shade.

Petunia likes well-drained soil and plenty of sunlight.

As the flower grows, pinch the tip back to promote bushy growth.

Ensure to remove flowers that have shrunk and dried up.

One a while pinch the branch to avoid the plant looking leggy. This will encourage it to branch out and bloom.

If you notice that your petunias plant is becoming leggy then you may want to deadhead it.

You can decade head disease-free by pinching the stamps this will encourage them to branch out, and also promotes a healthier plant.

Petunias begin to produce seeds when they turn brown and begin to dry up.

Read also:ย How Toย Harvest Seeds From Leafy Vegetables


To save seeds from petunia, picking healthy, disease-free plants will be suitable.

As petunia flowers wither and mature, they produce seeds in the seed pods at the bottom of the flowers.

Harvest seed pods from the withered and dried up plant. Avoid seed pods that look soft or damp, they are likely to get rotten.

Spread the seed pods on a tray or paper towel to dry well for at least a week. Space them out for easy circulation of air and keep them out of direct sunlight, we don’t want to damage the seeds.

Check the seeds to know if they are well dried, if they make a rattling sound then they are ready to be taken out of their pods.

Collect the dried pods and crack them open over a container.

After you have taken out the seeds from the pods, pour the seeds into a paper envelope for the next planting season.

Remember to sieve out the chaff from the seeds before pouring it into a paper envelope.

Related: How To Store Lettuce Seeds Step By Step

STORAGE of petunias

If seeds are stored properly, they can last for up to 3years.

Label the paper envelope and put in some desiccant before putting it in another plastic bag.

You can use milk as a desiccant, it will help keep moisture away.

Store your harvested and saved petunia seeds in a cool and dry place until the next favourable planting season.

Don’t expose your seeds to moisture or damp conditions.

Related: Saving Seeds From Store-bought Vegetables: Step By Step Guide


The petunia seeds can be saved by carefully following the method mentioned above.

Remember that as soon as you stop deadheading the petunia, the seed production process begins.

The seed pods are usually at the base of the browned and dried flowers.

The important things to take note of to aid healthy growth and a good harvest is mostly based on the selection, planting and harvesting of petunia seeds.

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