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How To Harvest Seeds From Peace Lilies Step By Step

by Idris Ya'u
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Peace lily is a tropical plant and a popular indoor plant. Peace lily plants come from the family of Spathiphyllum, with large shell-like white flowers and large shiny dark green leaves with a large seed pod inside the flower.

Peace lilies grow slowly and need moist soil to prevent the leaves from sagging. If you want to reproduce your peace lily, it is easy to collect the seeds of the plant.

Peace lily is native to the warm, humid tropical climate of Central and South America and parts of Southeast Asia. Otherwise, they are usually grown as indoor plants because they are not resistant to climates below 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

The best time to plant peace lilies is early spring, after the last frost, they bloom in late spring. You will most likely plant a peace lily in a container so that when it gets cold, you can bring it indoors and grow it at room temperature. As long as the outdoor temperature is above 55 degrees Fahrenheit, it can be safely placed in a container.


Peace lilies can be grown from seeds or transplanted as seedlings in pots. They are common indoor plants because they grow well indoors in containers that filter sunlight.

Unless you live in a tropical climate, you will want to plant peace lilies in containers or pots. Choose a well-draining container for your peace lily, which is only slightly larger than the root ball of your peace lily plant.

Peace lilies thrive in well-drained slightly acidic soil, with a pH of about 5.8 to 6.5. Test the soil and loosen it in preparation for planting your seeds or bulbs. Fill your container or pot with one-third of potting soil.

If you are replanting peace lilies, put the root ball of the plant in the pot and cover it with more potting mix until the container is full.

Read also: How To Harvest Seeds From Petunias


Place your peace lily in a place with indirect light and plenty of shadow.

If your leaves start to turn yellow and dry, it means that there is too much direct sunlight and should be moved to a cool place.

Water immediately until the water starts to drain from the bottom of the pot. If you start planting from seed, please plant the seed in the soil slightly below approx.

Water the plants regularly to keep the soil moist and ensure good soil drainage. If your lilies start to sag, it may indicate that you are watering too much. Observe the water flowing from the bottom of the container to check if the soil is draining properly.

Read also: How to harvest seeds from Peonies


Seeds produced by peace lilies can be harvested to reproduce new flowering plants.

There is a small seed pod in the center of the peace lily.

When the seeds are immature, the pods will be light green, then brown, and finally black.

Once the seed pods turn black, the seeds are ready to be harvested.

Use scissors to trim the seed pods of peace lilies.

Sterilize with a knife and scissors, then use scissors to cut the seed pods at the root.

Use a knife to divide the spadix to collect the seeds from the top to the bottom of the seed pod.

You can plant your seeds immediately after harvest or you can store the seeds in a paper envelope until you are ready to have them planted.

Read also: Seed harvesting, Processing, And Storage


Peace lily plants are easier to start by dividing the roots of existing plants.

When a peace lily starts from seed, it may take several years for the plant to mature to bloom.

Some gardeners tried to plant the whole seed pod to get a few peace lily seedlings and they came out all at once. This may not be an easy way to start a successful Peace Lily garden.

I hope you find this article helpful. I would like to hear from you. So, let me know if you have any questions about harvesting peace lily.

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