It is a good thing to add compost to your soil. Some gardeners mix compost with soil while others put it on top of the soil. However, which of them is preferable? In this article, you’ll be enlightened on that.
To live, plants require nutrients from the soil. Whatever type of garden you have, you want to make sure that nutrients are present in the soil. Most gardeners seek to enhance the condition of their soil to increase their productivity.
What Is Composting?
Composting is one such process. It entails the decomposition of trash for use as plant manure. Although the procedure isn’t particularly appealing, it does have its advantages.
For excellent plant health, soil amendment is essential. Compost is one of the most often used and straightforward amendments. Aeration, beneficial microorganisms, nutrient content, water retention, and other benefits can all be improved by mixing soil and compost.
You may also produce your compost using yard waste and kitchen leftovers, which is a cost-effective procedure.
Read also: How Much Compost To Add To Potting Soil?
Reasons You Should Use Compost As A Soil Amendment
Gardening using compost and soil is a win-win situation. Compost soil has various advantages and is a natural technique to improve soil health. Using too much compost as a soil addition, on the other hand, might cause issues, especially with some plants.
Learn how to properly put compost into the soil to maximize the benefits of this common soil amendment. Composting dirt not only supplies nutrients for plants now but also improves soil for future years.
The amendment decomposes naturally, releasing vital macro and micronutrients and providing food for the soil’s beneficial biological creatures. It also improves the soil’s porosity, which aids in moisture conservation.
There are numerous alternative soil additives, but most only provide one or two benefits, whereas compost provides numerous advantages. Compost will improve the health of the soil and even promote beneficial organisms like earthworms.
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Do You Mix Compost With Soil Or Put It On Top?
To begin, make sure your compost is thoroughly decomposed and free of weed seeds. Some experts advise spreading compost over the soil rather than mixing it in.
This is due to the delicate mycorrhizal fungi, which help plants get nutrients from deep within the earth, being disturbed by digging.
In clay or sandy soils, however, treating the soil with compost will improve the soil sufficiently to warrant such disruption. You can just put the compost on top of the soil if it has a decent texture.
Rain, worms, and other natural forces will eventually wash the compost into the plant’s roots. Make your potting soil by combining one part compost with one part each of peat, perlite, and topsoil.
Read also: Can You Compost Pineapple?
When utilizing soil and compost to spruce up the garden, a useful tip is to not use more than 3 inches at a time (7.6 cm.). If you already worked in the past season’s yard trash, this greater range is beneficial to vegetable crops.
A fall cover crop of 1-3 inches (2.5 to 7.6 cm) protects plant roots and preserves moisture in the soil, which is ideal for ornamental beds. A 12 inch (1.3 cm) spring spray will begin to feed plants and help avoid early annual weeds.