The short answer to this question “can you compost pineapple” is yes, pineapple and all its other parts can be composted. The flesh of pineapple breakdown quickly while the rinds and crowns usually take a long period of time to decompose. This is because the rinds and crowns of pineapple are very toughed, water-resistant, and dried.
Keep reading for a detailed step by step guide on how to compost pineapple.
Can you compost pineapple?
Pineapple fruit is one of the favorite fruit in most homes. The fruits find places in juices, jellies, fruit salads, smoothies, and more.
Pineapple is a very nutritious fruit. However, a large part of it is not edible. The remaining parts that are not edible include the crowns and the rinds, which are very difficult to be consumed.
But, do not trash these large inedible parts of pineapple because you can recycle them into something very resourceful that can be used to boost plants’ yields and also improve soil fertility.
How to make fertilizer from pineapple waste
You can compost pineapple with other kitchen and garden waste such as grass clippings, banana peels, avocado scraps, coffee grounds, pieces of bread, weeds, shredded newspapers, and dried leaves.
Here is a step by step guide on how to compost pineapple:
Collect your pineapple waste: finish gathering the pineapple waste alongside other kitchen and garden waste. Make sure you collect an equal part of brown and green organic materials.
But, preferably your brown organic materials should be 2-3 times the amount of green organic materials.
If you do not know what is greens and browns in composting, greens are nitrogen-rich organic matters such as pineapple scraps, grass clippings, banana peels, and other fruits and vegetables. On the other hand, browns are organic materials that are rich in carbon compounds. Examples of browns include chopped tree branches, shredded newspapers, shredded cardboard, dried leaves, and chopped straw.
So, before preparing your compost bin, you need to find equal parts of browns and greens or 1 part of greens to 2 parts of browns. You need to chop the pineapple rinds and crowns into smaller pieces. Then, mix them with other greens organic materials.
Prepare the compost bin: you can find a compost bin at most garden centers or online stores. This is if you do not get one. You can also make your own compost bin locally at home using a plastic dustbin.
Tip: learn how to make a compost bin from a plastic dustbin
Ensure that the compost bin is well equipped with spaces where air can pass in and out of the compost bin. Additionally, make sure that the compost bin gets cover. This is important for conserving the heat that is generated in the compost bin.
Place the compost bin in a good place: you need to find a good spot in your backyard that is not shaded by trees or structures. In order words, the spot should not block your compost from sunlight. Ensure that the spot receives a reasonable amount of sunlight in a day. Additionally, the place should also be flat and well ventilated.
Add compostable materials: when you set up your compost bin, add the pineapple alongside other green organic materials. You need to first add brown L’s on the first layer in the compost. Add about 5 inches of greens on the first layer( that is the first layer of browns).
If you like, you can add one shovel of garden soil. This is to help introduce more decomposition microorganisms such as millipedes and earthworms.
Alternate between layers of browns and greens: after adding the first layer of brown and the second layer of greens, you need to alternate between greens and browns until the compost bin is full.
Tip: learn more on how to compost kitchen waste
Turn the compost timely: in order to speed up the composting process, you need to spare time and turn the compost from time to time. This can help speed up the composting of pineapple and other waste.
Does pineapple compost smell?
In a normal condition, pineapple compost does not smell bad. Instead, it releases a fruity smell when decomposing and smells like that of earthy soil when fully completed.
Tip: Learn more about smelling in compost
How long does it take for pineapple compost to decompose
The flesh of pineapple is the fastest part of pineapple that decomposes quickly. The other parts such as the core, crowns, and rinds usually take time before they become fully decomposed. You can speed up the decomposition of crowns and rinds when you cut them into smaller pieces. When they are properly chopped, the breaking down or composting process will not take more than 3-6 months or a year.
Also read: Composting Pine Needles: The Detailed Guide
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you Compost pineapple with worms?
The problem with pineapple is that sometimes the fruits contain too much citric acid and so this acidic condition can affect the healthy physiological activities of worms. This is the reason why sometimes pineapple is avoided in vermicomposting. But, if the acidic level is low, you can compost or add them to the worms bin.
Read also: Can You Compost Paper Towels?: The Detailed Guide To Paper Towels Composting
Can you compost fresh pineapple?
Yes, fresh pineapples are compostable. But, make sure while using fresh pineapple in your compost, you mix them with dried leaves and grass clippings. This can help absorb the moisture from the fresh pineapple.
Can you compost old pineapple?
Yes, you can compost old pineapple if they are not infected with diseased pathogens.
Read also: Can You Compost Onions?: The Detailed Guide To Onions Composting
Can you compost the whole pineapple?
Every part of pineapple fruits is compostable. But, make sure while composting the whole fruit, you cut them into tiny pieces. This will increase the surface area for easy breakdown by the decomposition microorganisms.
Is pineapple skin good for plants?
Pineapples’ skins either in compost or steep as tea can be used to fertilize plants especially vegetables that require acidic conditions.
Can you compost weeds?
Yes, weeds are compostable. They are a good source of nitrogen. However, if you are adding weeds, make sure you generate heat in the compost. Alternatively, you can place them in the center of the compost. This is important because the heat can help kill all the seeds of weeds that may grow when they sense favorable growing conditions.
Can you compost tomatoes?
Yes, tomatoes can be composted. However, avoid feeding plants that do not like acidic pH with a compost that contains a high amount of tomatoes.
Can you compost banana peels?
Yes, banana peels are compostable. They are among the most friendly compostable materials. Banana peels contain a high amount of nitrogen. And they neither acidic nor basic, meaning they can be used to supplement wide varieties of plants.
Tip: learn more about banana peels from our guide to composting banana peels
Can you compost citrus?
Citrus contains essential oils that were found to kill or limit the activities of decomposition microorganisms. Citrus can also help improve the healthy growth of some plants due to the high citric acid content. Another problem with citrus is that citrus fruits can delay the composting process.
Tip: you can learn more about citrus from our guide to composting citrus
What can’t and can be composted?
The organic matters that can be composted are grass clippings, fruits and vegetables, coffee grounds, and so on. While those that are usually avoided in compost include dairy products, meat scraps, fish scraps, and dog and cat feces.
Pineapple is a great source of nutrients and includes the essential minerals required by plants. So, it will sense to think of recycling waste or scraps gotten from pineapples instead of trashing them.
In this article, I looked at how to compost pineapple scraps in a step by step guide. I hope that the article will be of excellent help to you in understanding the different steps on how to compost pineapple fruits. Let me know if you have questions in the comments section below.
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