Sunflower microgreens should be the go-to mini crop for everyone. For a long time, I’ve been growing sunflower microgreens without soil or media.
If you are new to growing microgreens without soil, I strongly advise you to begin by growing sunflower microgreens without media.
Not only do sunflower microgreens (depending on variety) have an incredible flavour, but I would say they are virtually fail safe for would-be hesitant new growers.
This mini crop will be a breeze to grow. Get ready to kick yourself for not doing this sooner.
How To Grow Sunflower Microgeen Without Soil
To begin growing sunflower microgreens, you will need a few supplies. I’ll go over each of the requirements before discussing how to actually grow them. You will require:
Sunflower seed, dried: It is critical to use non-chemically treated seeds when growing microgreens in general. This is a precautionary measure.
I use dried sunflower seeds to grow sunflower microgreens. This is where we get sunflower oil and other byproducts.
Sunflower seeds come in various varieties. NuSun, Linoleic, and High-oleic are the three main types.
Growing Container: Simple punnets can be used to grow not only sunflower microgreens but almost any other microgreen.
You should avoid using containers that are too deep. The goal is for air to circulate freely and for the stems to grow tall enough to clear the punnet’s 1.8-inch sides as soon as possible.
Read also: How To Grow Radish Microgeens Without Soil
While some microgardeners prefer to drill a few drainage holes beneath the punnet or container, you can grow your sunflower greens without them.
You can, however, punch holes for other microgreens, such as lettuce. If you use this method, any water that you use to water the sunflower crop will collect at the bottom of the punnet because there is no way for the water to escape.
To soak your seeds, you will need a simple kitchen bowl, such as the one shown here. It does not have to be a kitchen bowl.
Any cut-out container that can hold water will suffice. You could even use a half-empty bottle for this.
It really doesn’t matter; all that matters is that you have somewhere to soak your seeds!
Some people do not soak their seeds first; instead, they sprout their sunflower microgreens in soil without first soaking them in water.
You can soak sunflower seeds to hasten germination by weakening the tough shell and allowing the seeds to absorb moisture. All of this promotes rapid germination.
Colander: A colander is a kitchen item that you can borrow. It is required for repeatedly rinsing out the seeds. This will last for two to three days.
In my early days, I discovered that sunflower seeds have a purple colour that bleaches out.
This may permanently stain your colander or any container with which the seeds and water draining from the seeds come into contact.
Read also: How To Grow Mustard Microgeen Without Soil
As a result, you might want to set aside a special colander for this purpose. Above you can see my already stained colander, which I use all the time.
Again, a cut-out old container with holes punched all around it should suffice for a colander. With these components in place, it’s time to take concrete steps toward growing our sunflower microgreens without soil.
Recommended: check out these 7 tips for planting sunflower
FAQs: What are the step-by-step guide to growing sunflower microgreens without soil?
- Step 1: Soak your sunflower seeds overnight in step one.
- Step 2: Place your sunflower seeds in a colander.
- Step 3: Place seeds in a growing container.
- Step 4: Decide when to harvest your sunflower microgreens
How do I store sunflower microgreens?
Storage of your harvested sunflower microgreens should not be overlooked. Sunflower microgreens have a relatively longer shelf life if stored and refrigerated properly.
After harvesting, rinse them under running water and place them in a zip lock bag.
I make sure to label them (because I grow other microgreens) and keep them in the fridge.
Microgreens have a similar appearance and can easily confuse the grower when it comes to recipes.
Sunflower microgreens can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks in cool conditions.
Read also: Do Sunflower Like Coffee Grounds?
In other words, keep them in the coldest part of the fridge. In general, I believe sunflower microgreens have the best flavour the closer they are to harvest.