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How To Grow Mustard Microgeen Without Soil

by Idris Ya'u
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Do you want to grow mustard greens hydroponically or without soil? Mustard is a cool-season leaf crop that grows to 3 feet tall and has a rosette of large light or dark green curly leaves.

Plant leaves and leaf stalks, which have a peppery flavour, are eaten. Mustard seeds can be ground and used as a seasoning.

Mustard greens are also known as Indian mustard, Chinese mustard, or leaf mustard, and the botanical name is Brassica juncea.

Here is a step-by-step guide to growing mustard microgreens hydroponically:

To begin, make a Mustard growth media bottle or pot. Then, add water that has been mixed with certain nutrients that have been recommended.

Prepare the pipes or the Styrofoam. The tool is used to support the top of the pot (net pot), preventing the plant from coming into direct contact with these nutrients.

Prepare husk ash, which will be used as a planting medium. The mustard shoots will then be planted and grown in husk ash.

If you plant mustard buds in husk ash, a new medium, you should also include some old planting media.

Plant these shoots up to 2 cm deep. These plants also need a lot of light to grow.

What are the conditions required for growing mustard micro greens hydroponically?

Mustard greens grown in a hydroponic system are undoubtedly healthier because they can be planted on their own while also avoiding the use of pesticides.

A hydroponics system is a method of growing plants without the use of soil (learn more about soilless farming).

Instead of soil, the roots grow in a nutrient-rich solution, providing the plants with the nutrients and oxygen they require.

The roots can grow directly in the system or be misted with the solution, depending on the hydroponic system.

Sunlight is required for hydroponic gardening, which can be provided by artificial or natural light.

This method is excellent for growing a greater quantity of food in smaller spaces with fewer requirements for plant care.

To help protect against pests and fungus, keep your mustard greens growing at temperatures ranging from 15 to 21ยฐC.

Although warmer temperatures can hasten the growing cycle, find the ideal temperature for you.

Temperature is usually less important than ensuring Mustard greens get enough light. Getting enough light for your mustard greens is usually more important than the temperature.

If your plants are wilting, you may not be pouring enough water on them. Growing mustard greens hydroponically can be a delicate balance of under- and over-watering that takes time to perfect.

If your plants are generally weak, it is possible that you are not keeping them in the dark long enough.

What are the tips to sow mustard seeds

The first Mustard seeds are sown on rock wool before being planted in the growing media.

Because it is clean, practical, and absorbs water well, rockwool is an excellent seedling media for sowing seeds.

After cutting the Rockwool, wet it with clean water and place it on a tray. Plant 1-2 Mustard seeds in one of the rock wools and store the seed tray in a dark place. Seeds do germinate between 24 and 48 hours.

Then, move to places with sun but still provide shade, such as the front porch or near a window. Every morning and evening, spray water on rock wool.

What are the benefits of growing mustard microgreens hydroponically

The method is safe for the environment. The system does not necessitate more land.

Less water – Because you can reuse the water in your hydroponics, they require approximately 20 times less water than growing in soil.

They can grow almost anywhere – A hydroponic system can be installed indoors, in a garage, or even inside a shipping container. Microgreens can be grown all year.

Mustard planted in a hydroponic system can be planted when it is 30 to 40 days old. To harvest it, carefully pull the Mustard plant from the rock wool.

Pick individual plant leaves that are 3 to 4 inches long and young and tender, or cut and use the entire plant.

Then, finish the harvest before the weather gets too hot; hot weather causes the leaves to become tough and strongly flavored.


  1. Effect of growth and yield of mustard (Brassica juncea) microgreens on different growing medias in indoor condition
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