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How To Harvest Seeds From Poppies

by Idris Ya'u
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Poppies generally bloom in late spring to early summer. They thrive in full sun in fertile, well-drained soil. Once the delicate petals begin to fall, the ovary becomes the fruit of the plant, a plump pod.

They contain hundreds of small black seeds. The seeds add a crunchy flavor to many types of baked goods.

These delicious little seeds come from beautiful poppies, and many other beautiful poppy varieties thrive under various conditions. Preserving poppies seeds in the next few years will help other colorful plants.

This is also a very interesting project when you wait for the big capsule to start tweeting. This indicates that it is almost time to harvest poppy seeds, whether for cooking or for planting until next year.

The delicate seeds give a rich flavor and smooth crunch, adding a unique flavor to baked goods. As part of the opium trade, poppies have a bad reputation, but to gardeners, they are just beautiful, brightly colored paper flowers. These easy-to-plant plants are also easy to reproduce from seeds.

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You know that these easy-to-grow plants are also easy to propagate from seed.

The pods are green when young and productive. When the weather is dry near the end of the growing season, the pods turn brown and develop a hard shell.

This will eventually pop open, releasing the tiny seed. It would be best if you waited until the pods were completely dry to harvest poppy seeds.

Collecting poppy seeds too early can affect their viability and ability to germinate. You can tell when the pods are ripe by shaking the stem. If the ear vibrates, it is a good indicator that it is time to harvest. Usually, this occurs between 80 and 90 days after planting.

Read also: How to harvest seeds from Peonies


Identifying when to harvest the seeds is essential. Then secondly, how to collect poppy seeds to prevent the tiny seeds from spreading.

Carefully collect them just before they split, and keep them in a warm place. Then, allow the pod to dry on the plant and individually bag them with nylons.

Another way to harvest poppy seeds is a natural way. When the pods are dried, they naturally have an opening, which enables unrestricted access for the roots to come out.

You can then go ahead and collect the dry pods, cut the top of the pod. Then shake the pods in a bowl or your hands. The seeds eventually come out. Lastly, bag them all.


To preserve the poppy seed, dry them for weeks in an open container to save seed for the next season. Then pour the seeds into a glass container with a tight lid.

The culinary roots will retain their flavor for up to a year if the container is stored in a cool, dry, dark place. The seed for the crop should be planted the following year for best results.

Read also: How To Harvest Seeds From Petunias


It is important to plant the seeds in late fall or early spring. When planting, cover the bases with a suitable soil sieve, as poppy seeds require light to germinate.

Germination will occur in 2 to 4 weeks. Seedlings hardly get cold but should be thinned 4 to 6 inches (1.6 to 2.4 cm) apart.

The seeds can also be sown indoors 4-5 weeks before the last frost date and can be transplanted, but keep in mind that poppies do not transplant well, and some crop failure should be expected.

Once the seedlings are established, they need occasional watering, but they are reasonably self-sufficient flowers. Enjoy its brightly colored flowers and lovely seed pods until it’s time for the next harvest.


Poppy seeds can be used as natural remedies for anxiety and insomnia.

They are rich in necessary supplements such as fatty acids, vegetable proteins, calcium, B vitamins, and vitamin E, and numerous minerals, including manganese.

The seeds of the plant also contain phytosterols, which are helpful in reducing the concentration of cholesterol in the body.
Poppy seeds are also very useful in the kitchen in realizing various recipes.

The poppy is not only the flower that can be appreciated as far as the eye can see in those fields that color red.

I hope you find this article helpful. I would like to hear from you. So, let me know if you have any questions about harvesting poppies. Also, learn how to harvest seeds from peace lilies here

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