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How to grow Ixora plant from cutting

by Idris Ya'u
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Ixora is an evergreen shrub with opposing glossy green leaves. Because the Ixora plant makes a superb hedge, it’s simple to prune it back severely without harming it. Ixora may also be readily shaped, which is a huge benefit for individuals who want a good hedge in their yard. Plants of the genus Ixora may be planted in practically any garden or on a patio. Low hedges are popular, but many people also succeed in growing them in containers.

The majority of Ixora plants, however, are employed as hedges and tiny shrubs and are prized for their colorful blooms.

The following are some basic details regarding the plant.

Different Varieties of Ixora

The most common Ixora species supplied in nurseries are Ixora coccinea, Ixora chinensis, Ixora singaporensis, Ixora Rosea, and Ixora javanica. Ixora finlaysoniana, a shrub with fragrant white blooms that originated in India and now grows in Indochina, is another notable species.

Many horticulturally important plant types have emerged as a result of hybridization and natural crossing. Color and bloom have been used to organize the species and variations. Yellow, Pink, Orange, Red, and White are the most popular hues for Ixora flowers.

Scarlet flowers are the most prevalent Ixora plant variation. Other hues of flowers (red, pink, orange, and white) are also viable, but you’ll usually need a different type. When in doubt, inquire about a plant’s blossom colors at a garden center or nursery. This is the simplest approach for selecting a variety based on flower colors.

Dwarf Ixora plants are popular as low hedges because of their distinctive shrub shape and compact look. They’re most appealing when they’re in bloom. Keep in mind, though, that Dwarf Ixora takes some time to blossom again.

The Dwarf Ixora is a smaller form of Ixora coccinia, which is known simply as ‘Ixora.’ Ixora is a genus of flowering shrubs and trees. The following are more Ixora varieties:

Ixora finlaysoniana: The white jungle flame, white Siamese Ixora, and fragrant Ixora are all names for this Ixora variation.

The torchwood tree, also known as Ixora pavetta, is a tiny evergreen tree endemic to India.

Ixora macrothyrsa: It’s no coincidence that this tropical hybrid is known as the “Super King.” It has tall branches that reach 10 feet in length and brilliant red flower clusters.

Ixora javanica is a species of Ixora endemic to Java, with huge glossy leaves and coral-colored blooms.

Ixora Chinensis: Also known as Chinese Ixora, this plant is a medium-sized evergreen shrub that may reach a height of four feet.

How do you grow Ixora from cuttings?

Ixora plant growing tips include keeping the soil equally wet and pruning the Ixora plant when it becomes unruly. With its 4 to 6 foot height, Ixora responds well to shearing and forms a good low hedge. The shrub is propagated by stem cuttings that may be rooted with the aid of a rooting hormone.

Cutting down one branch anywhere you find three at a junction is a smart method for growing Ixora plants for enhanced business and fullness. This will lead the shrub to branch out further, giving it a fuller appearance and allowing more light into the plant’s center to stimulate additional development.

How frequently should Ixora be watered in addition to the above? Water and Light Ixora thrives in full, direct sun for the majority of the day, although it also tolerates moderate shade in the warmest regions in its USDA zone. Water the plant once a week, or less during the winter, with a deep soaking, and keep the soil moist but not dripping wet.

Is Ixora fast-growing?

Because they are slow-growing plants, they will take some time to mature into complete Ixora hedges. The common Ixora cultivars are described as follows by the University of Florida IFAS: Maui – Maui is a variety of Ixora that was initially identified in Hawaii and is supposed to be a little colder tolerant than other Ixora kinds.

How to propagate Ixora by Stem cutting

  1. Cut a 6-8-inch semi-wood branch (greenish brown branch) off an ixora plant at a 45-degree angle below a node. For best results, choose a cutting from a blossoming ixora plant.
  2. Leaves from the cutting should be removed.
  3. After dipping the cutting in water, it should be dipped in a rooting hormone powder.
  4. Make a sandy soil or simply sand. Avoid using clay soil since it will retain more water and cause the cuttings to decay.
    5 Insert the cutting into the soil with at least one node inside.
  5. Keep the pot well-watered and out of direct sunshine.

In a month, roots will begin to emerge.

How To Use Rooting Hormones For Ixora Plant Cuttings

Taking a portion of the parent plant, known as a cutting, and growing another plant is one approach to make a new Ixora plant that is identical to the parent plant. Root cuttings, stem cuttings, and leaf cuttings—often with the aid of a rooting hormone—are popular methods for propagating Ixora plants. What is a rooting hormone, exactly?

What is a Rooting Hormone?

It’s common to employ a root-stimulating hormone when growing plants from stem cuttings. In most circumstances, the rooting hormone will improve the chances of a successful plant rooted.

When rooting hormones are employed, the root will often develop faster and be of greater quality than when they are not used. While many plants root spontaneously, employing a rooting hormone makes propagating tough plants much easier.

Some plants, such as ivy, will grow roots in water, but these roots will never be as robust as those that are planted in soil with the help of a rooting hormone.

How to Use Rooting Hormones on Ixora Plant Cuttings

A fresh and clean-cut is always the starting point for successful propagation. Before you begin the roots procedure, remove the leaves from your cutting. In a clean container, put a small amount of rooting hormone.

Always put some rooting hormone into a separate container before dipping the cutting into the rooting hormone container. This prevents tainted rooting hormone from being utilized. Insert the cutting stem into the root-stimulating hormone approximately one inch (2.5 cm). This is where the new roots will grow.

Fill a container halfway with damp planting material and insert the dipped stem cutting. A transparent plastic bag should be used to cover the pot. The new seedling should be put in a sunny spot that receives filtered light.

Keep the stem cutting wet while you wait for fresh root growth and keep an eye out for new leaves to sprout. New leaves indicate the formation of new roots, which is a good indication. At this point, the plastic bag can be removed. You may start caring for your plant as if it were a new one as it becomes older.

How to grow the cuttings in the potting mix

Step 1: Choose healthy growth that is 3 to 6 inches long for your cuts. Make a clean cut; crushing the stems will make it harder for the shoots to create new roots.

Step 2: Remove the lower half of the shoot’s leaves to reveal a bare stem that may be inserted into your potting mix. Dip the end of your stem in rooting hormone if desired. This speeds up the rooting process for many cuttings.

Step 3: Put your cutting in a moist potting mix, sand, perlite, or vermiculite right away. Wrap your cutting with clear plastic and place it under a cloche to keep it moist.

Be patient because some plants root faster than others. It takes about a month or two for your cuttings to root and become established enough to be planted.

How to take care of the Ixora cuttings

Ixora is a tropical and subtropical shrub with huge clusters of small flowers that bloom in clusters. Ixora likes being irrigated and requires soil that is well-draining, acidic, and moist. Ixora plants require about 6 hours of indirect sunshine per day.

It must be time to break out the scissors now that we’ve made sure the Ixora plant is as healthy as it can be……No! Taking a cut necessitates caution! It’s crucial to know where to cut, how to cut, what to use to cut, and how to care for the cutting afterward, as well as which tip to maintain.

Why? Because you want to make the most of every available cutting and reduce the number of stock plants and area needed to keep production going. It will also result in more equal rooting between cuttings and fewer ‘blind’ cuttings (auxiliary cuttings where the cutting roots but none of the buds on the cutting develop into a new plant). Blind cuttings take a long time to grow into new plants.


I hope you find this article helpful. I would like to hear from you. So, let me know if you have any questions about growing the Ixora plant from cuttings.

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