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How To Grow Garlic In Pots In Australia Step By Step

by Idris Ya'u
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It’s time to start thinking about growing bulbs in the autumn. Consider growing daffodils, bluebells, tulips, and other beautiful spring flowers, but also consider planting profitable bulbs. Garlic (Allium sativum) is at the forefront.

Garlic is grown for a variety of reasons. To begin with, it is pretty simple to expand and extremely rewarding. Furthermore, producing your garlic ensures that you consume a fresh, organic, and non-imported product.

Unfortunately, the local garlic industry is modest, and imports account for a substantial portion of the garlic consumed in Australia. Importing garlic is a challenge for those worried about food miles (how far food has traveled and how much carbon has been used in the process), but it is also an issue for people who wish to eat fewer chemicals.

When garlic is imported into Australia, it is frequently treated with growth inhibitors and other chemicals.

Varieties Of Garlic

If you don’t have much of a say in what you plant, just cultivate everything you can find. Purple-stripe and Australian White are both common garlic varieties.

Elephant garlic, sometimes known as huge Russian garlic, is a fascinating plant for gardeners that enjoy the unusual. It is as large as the word ‘elephant’ or ‘giant’ suggests. It grows into a gigantic bulb that can occupy the palm of your hand and measure up to 5cm in diameter. It has a moderate flavor and is an excellent roasting choice.

How To Grow Garlic In Pots In Australia

The following are detailed ways on how to grow garlic in pots in Australia.

The ideal time to grow garlic in pots is during the period of your first winter. Split the head of garlic into separate cloves before planting by shattering it apart. Don’t be afraid to do it; it won’t harm you.

The largest cloves should be saved for planting, while the smallest ones should be used in the kitchen. Each clove should be sunk into the earth with the sharp end up, about 3 inches below the soil surface. Note that when you water it in, the soil will settle a little.

Unlike planting garlic in the ground, there’s no need to use a trowel when growing garlic in pots; simply press each clove into the potting mix with your finger. 3 to 4 inches between cloves is a good distance.

Do not jam them all in one place. The cloves require a lot of space to grow enormous heads.

After the cloves have been planted, thoroughly water the pot and cover it with a 1- to 2-inch layer of mulch. I prefer straw, although finely shredded leaves can also be used. This mulch covering protects the bulbs from the elements during the winter.

Throughout the garlic’s life cycle, you must maintain the pot well-watered. Yes, you’ll need to water your plants regularly for the next 8 to 9 months, including in the winter if the soil isn’t frozen. This cannot be overstated while understanding how to cultivate garlic in pots. When spring arrives, many garlic pots are dead due to a lack of water.


I hope you find this article helpful. I would like to hear from you. So, let me know if you have any questions about growing garlic in Australia.

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Further Reading

  1. Production and economic specificities in growing of different garlic varieties, RESEARCHGATE JOURNAL
  2. Variation in Morphological and Quality Parameters in Garlic (Allium sativum L.) Bulb Influenced by Different Photoperiod, Temperature, Sowing and Harvesting Time, NCBI JOURNAL
  3. Influence of Different Photoperiod and Temperature Regimes on Growth and Bulb Quality of Garlic (Allium sativum L.) Cultivars, MDPI

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