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Are Whole Bananas Good For Plants?

by Idris Ya'u
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Bananas are high in nutrients such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium, all of which are essential for plant growth.

Bananas are multi-purpose in that the fruit is good for human consumption and the peels may be utilized to give nutrients to your plants while repelling ants.

The mineral potassium (K) is the most abundant in bananas.

Are whole bananas good for plants?

Putting the entire fruit in the ground will help your plant bud, flower, and fruit!

This may appear to be a waste of time, but you may always add the slightly deteriorated or rotten bananas that you are about to throw away.

Better to put them to use than to toss them away! Bananas provide several health advantages.

Read also: How long should banana peels be left in water for plants?

Plant Potassium Benefits

Plants and people both benefit from potassium. It has the greatest content in bananas, 78.10 mg/g, with manganese coming in second at 76.20 mg/g and calcium coming in third at 19.2 mg/g.

Potassium is a mineral that moves around in plants. It regulates fluids through enhancing plant vigor and water turgor, which improves plant health and protects against pests and diseases.

It also promotes fruit and blooming development. This mineral is required for the creation, stability, and upkeep of plant cell walls and membrane structures.

Potassium is present in soil bonded to the surfaces of clay particles and organic materials. The roots of the plants absorb potassium.

As a result, potassium is often used as a fertilizer in soil, because plants can only absorb so much potassium.

When it reaches its limit, the plant does not respond, and growth stops rising potassium.

Excess potassium levels can cause root salt damage, whereas low potassium levels increase the likelihood of disease, insect infestation, and defoliation.

Potassium shortage symptoms include “scorching,” necrotic spots of lower leaf edges, stunting, chlorosis, and blooming delay.

Read also: Can you compost banana peels?

Other Necessary Nutrients/Minerals

Manganese is an important component of photosynthesis, respiration, and nitrogen absorption. It also helps with pollen production and root cell elongation.

Calcium plays an important function as a soil supplement in maintaining chemical equilibrium in soils by lowering salts.

Is it possible to put a full banana in water for plants?

Soaking the banana peels causes the nutrients to seep into the water, and as the water reaches the soil, the roots absorb all of those sweet, sweet elements.

You can soak the peel intact, but slicing it up exposes more surface area, allowing more nutrients to be released into the water, according to one commentator.

Read also: How to use banana peels for the garden

How to Grow Bananas in Your Garden

  1. Chop the peels and put them straight to the soil of your garden.
  2. Toss the banana into the compost pile
  3. Grind the banana peels into fertilizer
  4. Directly the whole peels to the garden
  5. Make an insect trap.
  6. Keep Aphids at bay
  7. Bring in Butterflies.


If you don’t have time to fuss with the peels all season, freeze them until you’re ready. You may keep your banana peels in a freezer-safe plastic bag until ready to use.

Bananas are beneficial to your plants and contain potassium. Internet pages highlight how tomatoes contain potassium and how the fruit may be composted.

However, if the vines are not cut or shredded first, they take an extraordinarily long time to break down (longer than banana peels).

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