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How To Plant Eggplant Step By Step

by Idris Ya'u
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The venerable eggplant is a beautiful plant to cultivate in your home garden because of its deep purple hue. While the warm-weather crop has a long growth cycle, the wait will be well worth it if you’ve made flawless eggplant parmesan.

Information about Eggplant

Eggplant (Solanum melongena), sometimes known as aubergine, is a warm-season perennial nightshade vegetable. Eggplants are available in a wide range of sizes, shapes, and colors.

The globe eggplant is the most popular eggplant cultivar in the United States, with glossy, deep-purple skin and spongy skin. White eggplants (used in Middle Eastern cuisines like baba ganoush), Thai eggplants, Black Beauties, Ichiban, Rosa Bianca, and Little Fingers are also popular kinds.

How to Plant Eggplant

Start growing eggplant seeds indoors approximately two months before your area’s latest frost date. Follow out our step-by-step guide to discover how to grow seeds indoors. You can transplant eggplants into your home garden once the weather warms up in your area.

Select a location

Eggplants thrive under direct sunlight. Select a planting location that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight each day.

Make the soil ready

Loamy, well-draining soil with a pH of 6.0 to 6.5 is ideal for eggplants. A soil test can be used to determine if your soil is alkaline or acidic. Before transplanting the seedlings, cover the topsoil with a layer of black plastic mulch to help warm the soil.


Eggplants require a lot of room to grow. Without damaging the root ball, put the eggplant seedlings at least two to three feet apart in one-inch deep holes. A half-inch of soil should be applied to the seedlings.

Read also: Learn how long it takes Eggplant to grow from seeds to harvest


To settle the soil, water the planting area well.

How to Grow and Care for Eggplant

The following gardening tips will assist you in growing healthy eggplant plants:


All nightshade vegetables, including eggplant, require a lot of water to develop. Based on the soil wetness, eggplants require roughly an inch of water every week. If the soil appears to be excessively dry, add an inch of water.

Water your eggplant once a week in early spring when the weather is colder, then twice or three times a week as the temperature increases.

Companion planting is an option

Eggplant is a fantastic companion plant, which means you can grow it alongside other veggies like cauliflower, tomatoes, or fragrant flowers. Companion planting has several advantages, including enhanced plant development, pest management, and the ability to maximize garden space.

Use a pesticide that is natural or organic

Flea beetles, aphids, and Colorado potato beetles are all pests that attack eggplant. Having critters or insects eat your produce is an unavoidable part of having your garden. Use an organic or passive pesticide for pest control. There are numerous recipes available for producing your natural pesticides at home.

Mulch and compost your soil

Compost contains organic and biological components that help to stimulate the soil’s components (which include fungi, bacteria, minerals, among others). The soil’s components help your plants develop robust immunity while also extending the life of your crops. During the growing season, replenish the soil with a moderate fertilizer and organic matter to maintain the soil evenly hydrated.

Read also: Learn About The Eggplant Growing Stages

Weed a lot

Weeding your garden is an important part of eggplant care. Weeding should be a part of your regular gardening regimen. Weeding should be done in the morning when the earth is damp, as this helps to eliminate the weeds. Fungus or verticillium wilt can be prevented by weeding regularly.

How to Harvest Eggplant

Eggplants do not reach maturity until they are roughly 100 days old, but you should not wait so long to harvest your eggplants because the flavor of young eggplants is the best. Around 70 to 80 days after transplanting, eggplants should be ready to harvest.

You can start harvesting when your eggplant grows about six to nine inches long and has shiny skin.

Use a sharp implement, such as pruning shears or a tiny knife, to harvest eggplants. Remove the eggplant stem from the eggplant. To allow the plant to keep growing, leave around two inches of the stem on the plant.


I hope you find this article helpful. I would like to hear from you. So, let me know if you have any questions about planting eggplants. Also, Learn About Eggplant Growing Problems.

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