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How Long Do Carrots Take To Grow: Step By Step Guide

by Idris Ya'u
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Carrots are easy to grow and are best in loose sandy soil during the cooler spring and autumn of the growing season given that they can tolerate frost.

Depending on the variety and the growing conditions of your local area, it may take 2 to 4 months for carrots to mature. Plant them in spring and summer for continuous harvest in autumn!

Soil preparation is very important for the growth of carrots. If carrot roots cannot grow easily, it will lead to poor growth and deformities of the crop.

Dig some inches down, make sure that no rocks, or even clumps of soil will hinder the growth of carrots.

Using nitrogen-rich materials (such as fertilizers and fertilizers) to modify the soil, can cause carrots to branch off and slow the growing roots.

If your direct soil is heavily played or has too much rock, then, you may want to consider growing carrots on a raised bed that is at least 12 inches deep and filling it with ventilated fertile soil.

A place with full sunlight is good for carrots although they can also tolerate partial shade.

Sometimes carrots sprout very slowly. It may take 2 to 3 weeks for them to show any signs of life, therefore don’t worry so much if your carrot does not appear immediately.

Related:Learn About The Carrots Growing Problems


The length of time it takes a carrot from growing to harvesting majorly depends on the variety of carrot you planted.

Climatic factors also play a significant role although typically, carrots can be harvested in 75 to 80 days.

Carrots germinate at temperatures as low as 45 degrees Fahrenheit, colder temperatures will slow down the rate of germination.

Read also: How To Grow Carrots In Nigeria

You may need to use a thick straw mulch to protect your carrots from freezing in late spring. In areas with mild winters, grow carrots for winter gardens in autumn because carrots grow best at temperatures between 60 and 65 degrees.

Related: Carrots Growing Stages: Learn About The Carrots Growth Stages


If you are growing your carrot in pots, use an organically rich potting soil and plant the seeds in circles in round flower pots or rows in square or rectangular containers or raised beds.

Remove weeds as soon as they appear, so as not to disturb the carrots. Fertilize carrot beds by fertilizing with compost in the middle of the season. Alternatively, use a low-nitrogen 5-10-10 slow-release fertilizer approximately six weeks after planting. Be sure to water after fertilization.

Keep moist until the seeds germinate within 14 to 21 days.

Whenever your carrot shoulders appear above the soil, ensure to brush a little soil over them to prevent them from turning green.

Related: When To harvest Carrots? Now Explained


You can harvest your carrot about 50 to 80 days after planting, by this time they must have reached 3/4 to 1 inch in diameter.

Carrots grow edible roots in the first year and are sown in the second year. If you want your carrots to fully mature and bloom, you must allow them to spend the winter in the bed.

The carrot will bear seeds in the second summer, but the roots will become lignified and inedible. If you save your own seeds, leave only a few plants in the ground each winter to save the seeds, and then harvest the remaining plants for use in the kitchen in the first year.

Related: learn how to store your carrots step by step


The time from seeds sprouting to harvest depends on the variety of carrots. Baby carrots mature the fastest and are usually harvested within 52 to 65 days after planting.

However, be sure to harvest your edible carrots within 80 days of planting; this is usually before the next planting season.

As already stated, the soil must be loose, sandy and fertile. A well ventilated so that the carrot roots can easily pass through the soil is also good for your carrots to grow healthily and at the expected time.

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