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How To Grow Asparagus From Seeds And Cuttings

by Idris Ya'u
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Reading to grow your own asparagus? Here is brief step by step instructions to grow Asparagus before we dive in:

If I want to grow Asparagus, I first prepare the pot, then fill up the pot with potting mixes. I sow 1 asparagus seed 0.5 deep in each 2 inches pot. I keep pots in warm and well-ventilated places. Asparagus takes time to germinate usually 2-8 weeks. However, this depends on the moisture and temperature available. When seedlings are 2-3 months old, transplant them to their permanent spot.
Read on for details about planting time, harvesting, growing tips, and how to grow them from cuttings.

Learn about Asparagus

Asparagus, scientifically known as Asparagus officinalis, is a perennial vegetable in the family Asparagaceae, which is mainly grown for its edible Spears. It is a cool-season crop that loves and thrives well in full sun. The ideal growing zones for asparagus are zones 2 to 8. Asparagus thrives well in well-drained and fertile soil with a pH that ranges between 6.5 and 7.5. the optimal temperatures require for germination are between 70-85°F.

Read also: How To Grow Artichokes From Seeds And Crowns

How to grow Asparagus

You have two options if you want to grow asparagus. The first option is to grow asparagus from seeds. And the second option is to grow asparagus from cuttings. Growing asparagus from seeds takes time about 3 years before you make the first harvest. And if you are growing from cuttings, because the root crowns are already established, the plant won’t take that long time before you make your first harvest.

In this article, I will show how to grow asparagus from both seeds and cuttings.

How to grow asparagus from seeds

Here is a step by step instructions:

1. Choose the best seeds: if you want to grow asparagus successfully, you need to find and buy a good quality variety of asparagus that is organic and is resistant to pests and diseases. Common quality asparagus varieties include Jersey knight, Purple passion, and Apollo.

Tip: if you want to learn more about how to choose good seeds for growing, read this step by step instructions to choosing quality seeds. And if you want to buy seeds, read our step-by-step instructions on how to buy seeds.

2. Choose the right time for starting seeds: Asparagus seeds are started indoors from winter through spring.

3. Prepare the pots: prepare the pots you want to use for starting asparagus seeds. Make sure the pots can drain water. The pots should be at least 2 inches. Fill the pots with potting mixes. Water gently to keep the potting soil moist.

4. Start your asparagus seeds: before you start seeds, I recommend that you soak them in water for 2-4 hours. This soaking helps quicken the germination process. Sow 1 asparagus seed 0.5 inches in the potting soil. Keep pots in a warm place. You need to be patient. This is because growing asparagus from takes. Additionally, the germination also takes about 2-8 weeks.

5. Prepare the garden spot: when you have noticed that all dangers of frost have passed, start preparing the garden spot where you want to transplant the asparagus. Fork the top 10 inches of the garden spot using a garden fork to loosen the soil. Remove the large rocks, stones, and plant roots.

Before preparing the garden, ensure that you locate your garden where the soil is well-drained and fertile. Ensure that the pH is between 6.5 to 7. If you want learn more on how to choose a garden spot, read this article.

Mix in 2-5 inches of compost and water lightly.

6. Transplant seedlings: 2-3 months after germination, transplant the seedlings to their permanent place. Make sure you prepare the garden before you reomove the seedlings from pots. Make rows that are about 18 inches apart. Dig 4-inch holes in rows and space them 3-6 inches apart.

Place each seedlings in each 4-inch hole and gradually put dirt to cover the asparagus root crowns as the seedlings grow. In some cases where the Spears are thicker or thinner, change the holes size and depth.

If the spears for the seedlings are thick, keep them 12-14 inches apart and place the buds in 6-8 inches holes. However, if the spears are thin, keep them 8-10 inches apart and place the buds in 4 inches holes.

Related: How To Grow Caraway Plant From Seeds

7. Water the garden spot: water the garden gently immediately after transplanting. But, avoid flooding the garden. Just water enough to keep the garden moist. Then, continue water once a week.

8. Feed your plants: apply well aged all purpose compost in the garden during spring. Feed with about 440g of compost along 3m row.

9. Take care of the garden: continue to water the garden. Do not leave the top soil dry. Watch for weeds and weed them. Trim about 2inches of ferns down when needed and burn so that diseases can’t be spread in the garden. Watch also for pests and diseases and control them.

Now, I discussed how to grow asparagus from seeds, let me look at how to grow them from cuttings before we wrap up with ways on how to harvest asparagus. We are also going to discuss how to control pests and diseases of asparagus.

Related: Want to start growing your own asparagus in container? Learn how to grow asparagus in container.

How to grow asparagus from cuttings

Here is the step by step instructions:

1. Get some asparagus cuttings: the first thing is to find cuttings. You get asparagus cuttings from nurseries or garden centers. If you have a friend who has asparagus, you can also ask him or her to give you some root crowns to plant. Before you plant, make sure your cuttings have few buds.

2. Prepare the garden: before you plant the asparagus cuttings, make sure you prepare the garden. Make trenches by digging 18 inches wide trench and 12 inches deep. Mix in 5 inches of compost in the trenches to fill the bottom. To encourage rooting, mix in the compost with phosphorus amendment.

Read also: How To Grow Aubergines From Seeds And Aubergines 

3. Plant your asparagus cuttings: plant your asparagus cuttings in April when dangers of frost have passed. Preferably, plant the cuttings when the temperature is about 50°F. Asparagus plants grow well in warm place.

After you place the root crowns in the ground, cover the root crowns with about 2 inches of soil mix. The soil mix should be 3 parts soil and 1 part compost. Gradually continue to add more if soil mix to the trench as the cuttt grow.

4. Take care of the garden: take care of the asparagus garden as I explained above.

Asparagus companion plants

  • Tomatoes
  • Oregano
  • Basil
  • Marigolds
  • Peppers
  • Thyme

How long does it take to grow and harvest asparagus

Asparagus takes time to reach to maturity. Germination takes about 2-8 weeks and plant can take up to 3 years before they can be harvested. During the 3 year, you can start to harvest asparagus.

Tip: learn how to harvest asparagus

Pests and diseases of asparagus

Common pests of asparagus include asparagus beetles and aphids. Pests can be controlled by manual picking and introducing natural enemies. You can also reduce the population of asparagus beetles by growing asparagus together with tomatoes.

Common diseases of asparagus include Rust, Fusarium wilt, crown rot. Diseases can be controlled by planting resistant varieties. Plant asparagus seeds in soil that has history of diseases.

Other things you need to know about asparagus

Asparagus growing stages

Just like any other plants, asparagus too follow the same growth pattern; that is from seeds, germination, seedlings, vegetative, and to flowering stage. Learn more about plants growing stages.
Asparagus growing season

Asparagus is a cool season crop which loves full sun and do well in well-drained soil. It is best grown I. Zones 3 thought 8.

Do asparagus plants multiply?

Yes, asparagus plants can multiply.

Should I soak asparagus seeds before planting?

Yes, you can soak asparagus seeds before planting. Despite, it is necessary to soak, but soaking helps reduce germination time and quicken germination process.

How many asparagus seeds per hole

Asparagus seeds are usually planted one seed per hole. If you are starting seeds, plant in 2 inches pot.

Asparagus seeds vs crowns

Asparagus seeds are the ones frequently used to grow asparagus plant. However, growing asparagus from cuttings is like a short cut. This is because you can start to harvest asparagus the following year when they are grown from cuttings.

What do asparagus seeds look like?

The seeds of Asparagus are round and green at the beginning. However, when they are matured, they turn from green to red. The single red seed you can see is a cluster of many black seeds that are enclosed inside.

What temperature does asparagus grow in?

Asparagus needs temperatures that range between 70 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and 60 to 70 degrees during the night. During the spring, plant will start to grow shoots when the soil temperature reaches 50 degrees.

Will asparagus grow in Clay soil?

Asparagus don’t thrive well in clay soil. Asparagus loves well-drained and fertile soil with pH that is near neutral. If you are having a clay soil, consider correcting the soil.


In this article, I looked at how to grow asparagus from seeds. I also looked at how to grow them from cuttings. I hope you will find this article very helpful. Let me know if you have any questions.

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