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Can You Plant Tomatoes And Pepper Together? Step By Step Answer

by Idris Ya'u
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Growing tomato and pepper together can be a huge success with many benefits, especially if you follow the necessary rule guiding both tomato and pepper which is quite similar.

So you see, it is advisable to grow tomato and pepper plants or seeds at the same time in the same area of ​​the garden because it saves time and allows you to make full use of resources such as water and fertilizer.

Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) and peppers (Capsicum) are warm-climate crops belonging to the Solanaceae family. The tomato and pepper plants have similar requirements that will make it easy for them to be successfully grown together.

It is wise to grow tomato and pepper plants or seeds in the same area of ​​the garden at the same time because it saves time and makes full use of resources such as water and fertilizer. Being warm weather plants, tomato and pepper plants need full sun exposure to grow their best.

Tomato plants are generally larger than pepper plants and may require more space in the garden than pepper plants. The tomato plant can get so big that it will be a cover for the pepper plant at certain periods of the day.

Therefore, it would be great to put into consideration the size of the tomato when picking a planting location.

Read also: How To Grow Tomatoes At Home In Pots


During the hot weather is when tomato and pepper strive well. This is also a period when the diseases that affect both plants are common. So, it is advisable that the first thing to consider if you intend to plant the pepper and tomatoes together is the space between each plant.

So, that you will be able to give a distance of about 20 feet from each plant. Loosen the soil so that clumps will not be formed. You should be able to achieve this with the use of a gardening rake or hoe.

Remember to also remove rocks that may obstruct the growth of your plants and weeds also help to prepare the garden soil. After this has been done, tomato plants and pepper plants should be placed in their own rows.

The rows should be separated by about 3 feet in order to discourage unhealthy competition between both plants for nutrients. There should be space of about 18 to 24 inches from each other, and pepper plants need about 18 inches of space between them.

Read also: How To Grow Tomatoes At Home From Seeds


Tomato and pepper plants need a lot of water. When they are established in a new location, they often need to be watered frequently. At the beginning of the growing season, one inch of water per week is sufficient.

As the growing season progresses, the temperature rises and 2 inches of water may be needed every week. When making a watering plan, check the soil with a hygrometer during watering.

Do not let the soil dry out before you water the plants. When watering plants, use a soaking hose instead of an overhead sprinkler, because wet leaves can spread diseases.

It is a good idea to mix nitrogen fertilizer with the soil after the plants bear fruit. Be on the lookout for signs of disease and promptly remove any dead or diseased leaves.

Once the fruits are ripe for harvest, please pick them as soon as possible to avoid the fruits and do not let them spoil on the vines. If the branches of the pepper plant sag toward the ground, tie them to stakes to prevent the spread of disease. Use vegetable ties to prevent the stems from circling.

Tomato plants need to be kept in cages in the early stages of development. In the first few weeks of growth, place a cage around the tomato plant and tie the tomato plant to the cage with a vegetable tie.

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If you have a smaller space and you would like to grow tomato and pepper together you can still achieve this. You only need to endure that you follow the essential gardening rules and give enough space for the plants to grow without oppressing each other.

You may want to consider rotating growing tomatoes and peppers, along with any other crops you plant as it is not advisable to grow plants in the same land each year. This will help reduce any risk of diseases that build up in the soil.

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