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Cabbage Companion Plants: 5+ Best Options

by Idris Ya'u
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Have you ever wanted to produce your own cabbage? Future of homemade sauerkraut? Perhaps you wish to learn how to create the traditional cabbage rolls from your family?

When growing cabbage, companion planting it with other crops can increase your harvest’s production and make the most of the available space in your garden beds.

But now the issue is: what should you grow with cabbage? Does this gorgeous garden veggie mix better with any particular other vegetables, herbs, or flowers? The good thing is that you have a lot of options because cabbage pairs well with other veggies.

What are cabbage companion plants?

Other brassicas can be grown next to your cabbage crop because they require the same kinds of nutrients as cabbage.

Your cabbage garden would go well with broccoli, cauliflower, kale, swiss chard, and Brussels sprouts. Even a close relative of Napa cabbage can grow nearby.

Members of the cabbage family are not only simple to cultivate, but they also benefit from the same climate and environmental factors as cabbage.

A garden of greens provides a stunning contrast to barren trees and brown foliage in the winter.

Brassica family vegetables are very nutrient-dense. To stay warm, include them in stews, stir-fries, and your favorite hearty hot foods. However, a word of caution: too many brassicas can outcompete one another.

What are the best companion plants for cabbage?

There are several beneficial companion plants for cabbage. These plants encourage cabbage growth and help it thrive in the garden as a whole. These plants include vegetables like celery, flowers like hyssop, and herbs like sage and rosemary.

Let’s take a closer look at the majority of these beneficial plants you may produce wih cabbage.

Rosemary: This fragrant herb makes a wonderful cabbage partner. When planted near cabbage, it helps ward off other pests and cabbage moths. Additionally, they enhance the soil’s calcium, sulfur, and potassium content, which enhances the flavor of cabbage.

Beans: Leguminous plants include beans. Leguminous plants are also well recognized for providing the soil with nitrogen. Even during the warmest part of the day, cabbage enjoys a little sun protection.

They may develop slowly or even become scorched by too much sun. When planted next to cabbage, beans might assist provide the necessary shade. Other plants in the cabbage family can also utilise this.

Additionally, the partial protection that beans offer helps to keep some pests away from the plant.

Onions: A great companion plant for cabbage is the onion. This is because bugs that destroy cabbage naturally avoid it. You may not need to be concerned about pesticides for your cabbage if onions are nearby.

Because onions are quite effective at fending off pests that attack cabbage, including cabbage worms, cabbage loopers, and cabbage maggots. Additionally, it is well-known that onions enhance the flavor of cabbage.

Beets: Beets are a good plant to grow with cabbage. They add vital elements to the soil that are very helpful to the cabbage plant when planted next to it. As a result, they release extra nutrients that the cabbage progressively absorbs.

Additionally, bear in mind that beets work well as companion plants for the majority of other garden plants.

Buckwheat is another excellent cabbage companion plant. It offers the cabbage a unique kind of advantage.

Beneficial insects, such as parasitic wasps, are drawn to buckwheat. These insects are capable of eliminating cabbage worms. So you may use them as assassins in your garden.

What are the plants you will regret growing with cabbage?

Even though you’re seeking for companion plants this season to get the rewards of companion planting, there are some crops you shouldn’t grow around cabbage.

These plants either compete with your preferred crop for soil nutrients and available space, or they are toxic and can kill it.

That will lead to both a low yield and subpar crop performance.

Whatever research you conduct, avoid placing the following plants in close proximity to cabbage:

Lettuce, Rue, Strawberries, Tomatoes, Pepper. Cabbage is severely harmed by the aforementioned plants in a number of different ways.

Some of these plants are attractive to insects and diseases that could harm cabbage. Avoid planting these crops with cabbage if you want a plentiful harvest of the vegetable.

Can I grow cabbage and lettuce together?

No! Lettuce and cabbage cannot be grown together. Because lettuce and cabbage consume the same nutrients, they cannot grow together. They would rather compete with one another for food.

Additionally, these two cannot be planted close to one another because they are typically both afflicted by the same pests and illnesses.

Otherwise, your farm might have a pest and disease outbreak, which I know you don’t want to happen.

How frequently should cabbage seedlings be watered?

Maintaining low pressure when watering cabbage seedlings is advised. Regular watering is acceptable, but you must limit it to 1 to 1.5 inches each week.

What are the tips for cabbage companion plants?

There are several types of cabbage that should be grown at various periods of the year. Decide on the type of variety you wish to plant wisely before deciding to grow cabbage. Cabbage grows best in the spring and summer months.

The optimum soil for growing cabbage is one that is rich and well-drained. Make sure the pH of the soil is at least 6.5 before you start planting.

A 1/2-inch depth and an 18–25-inch gap are needed for planting cabbage seed. It’s crucial to rotate the plants you grow in your garden. Never repeat the planting of cabbage in your garden.


Growing your own cabbage is a good way to enhance the appearance of your garden, try unusual types that are not available in stores, and taste the flavor difference between freshly picked cabbage and other varieties.

To get the most out of both crops, companion planting these suggested crops with cabbage is highly recommended. See what works best for your garden by experimenting with various combinations for your area!


  1. An Examination of Selected Companion Plant Combinations, and How Such Systems Might Operate
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