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How To Grow Cabbage From Scraps (9+ Questions And Answers)

by Idris Ya'u
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You can regrow cabbage from scraps by simply following the steps I discussed below:

1. Find good cabbage scraps: pick from your leftovers good cabbage scraps and keep them in a separate place.

2. Cut off the scraps from cabbage heads: if you already have cut off the scraps and enjoyed the cabbage heads, skip this step. But, if you do not eat up the cabbage heads, you need to cut the scraps off from the cabbage heads. Make sure you leave some inches of cabbage head to the scraps.

3. Put a small amount of water in shallow containers: find shallow containers and put a small amount of water. Make sure that the water cannot swallow the cabbage stems or scraps when immersing in the containers.

4. Place the scraps on top of the water: gently place the scraps on top of the water. One cabbage scrap or stem per container. Make sure that the water does not cover the cabbage scraps. Additionally, ensure that the base or bottom of the cabbage scraps is the one facing down while the place where the cabbage scraps are cut off should be the ones to face up.

5. Give your cabbage scraps time to sprout: after you finish placing the cabbage scraps in containers, give them time to start growing roots and leaves. Under normal conditions, cabbage scraps can begin to develop roots and leaves at about 4 days to 1 week.

6. Change the water timely: you need to change the water in the containers from time to time. Change the water at least once every two days.

7. Transfer the new cabbage plants to good soil: when you notice that the cabbage scraps started growing young roots and leaves, start preparing your garden soil or pots. You need to allow the roots and leaves to mature before you transfer them to the garden soil or pots. When the scraps grow into cabbage plants ( when the roots and leaves develop and mature), remove the cabbage plants from water and transfer them to the garden soil or potting soil.

Follow the normal gardening maintenance to take care of your new cabbage garden. Learn how to take care of your garden from here.

Read also: Find out the right soil for the vegetable container garden

Related Questions

How long does it take to regrow cabbage?

When all conditions are normal, cabbage plants can be harvested at about 80-180 days when they are grown from seeds. And cabbage can be harvested from 10-105 days when they are grown from transplants or scraps. However, the time cabbage plants can take to mature also depends on the variety. Some varieties of cabbage can grow and mature faster than other cabbage varieties.

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How do you get cabbage seeds out of cabbage?

You can get cabbage plants to produce seeds if you replant the cabbage plants in the early spring. While planting, leave 2-3 feet in between the plants. The cabbage plants will produce seed stalk from the center of the cabbage plants. Seeds of cabbage plants usually ripen slowly and fall off when they are fully ripe.

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Does Chinese cabbage regrow after cuttings?

Yes, you can regrow Chinese cabbage after you cut off the stem from cabbage heads. But, make sure the stem does not damage. You can also follow the above steps I discussed to grow Chinese cabbage from cuttings.

Read also: How To Grow Vegetables from scraps

How many times can you harvest cabbage?

You can harvest cabbage more than one. If you can notice, cabbage plants produce more than 2 heads and some smaller heads around the rim of the main plants’ tub. These smaller heads can be harvested later when you finish harvesting the ripe cabbage heads.

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Can you regrow cabbage in the water?

Yes, you can regrow cabbage in water. Just place the leftovers of cabbage leaves in a shallow bowl containing a small amount of water. And then give the cabbage time to develop roots and leaves before you transplant them in the garden soil or potting soil.

Read also: How To Grow Potatoes From Potatoes, Scraps, And In Water

Does cabbage need full sun?

Yes, the cabbage plant needs full sun at least 6-8 hours daily of direct sunlight. But, water regularly preferably in the morning. Keep the cabbage leaves dry while watering. Do not overwater. Cabbage should be irrigated when the top 2 inches of the soil feels dry to the touch.

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What is the best fertilizer for cabbage?

Start with (10-10-10) fertilizer after 2 weeks of cabbage transplanting. Then, after 3 weeks add a nitrogen-rich fertilizer. This is because cabbage plants love nitrogen at the early stages.

Related: How To Grow Garlic From Scraps (12+Q & A About Growing Garlic)

Can you grow cabbage vertically?

Most vegetables can be cultivated in containers that are arranged vertically. And this is applicable to a member of the Brassica group, which includes cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and kale. Growing vegetables in vertical arrangement help reduce pests.

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How many heads of cabbage do you get from one plant?

Cabbage can grow more than one head per plant. An average cabbage plant can produce up to 3 to 4 heads with some smaller heads around the rim of the main cabbage plants’ stub.

Why is my cabbage not forming head?

If your cabbage plant is not forming the head, it could be because of excess nitrogen. Excess nitrogen can make your cabbage plant produce more leaves that are loosely held that don’t form the head. Pests and diseases can also make your cabbage plant not produce the head. Clubroot and cutworms also make cabbage not to produce heads.

Why did my cabbage go to seed?

Your cabbage plant can go to seed if there are high or low temperatures (extreme cold or hot). If there are extended periods of cold weather, your cabbage plant can also seed. Likewise, if the temperature is very hot, your cabbage plants can go to seed.


Cabbage is one of the easiest vegetables that can be grown from both seeds and scraps. In this article, I looked at how to grow cabbage from scraps while answering some of your frequently asked questions about growing cabbage plants. I hope you will find this article helpful. Let me know if you have any questions.

Further Reading

1. โ€œFrom Scraps to the Table: How to Regrow Vegetables From Scrapsโ€ retrieved from here

2. Sofo A, Sofo A. Converting Home Spaces into Food Gardens at the Time of Covid-19 Quarantine: all the Benefits of Plants in this Difficult and Unprecedented Period [published online ahead of print, 2020 Apr 21] [published correction appears in Hum Ecol Interdiscip J. 2020 May 15;:1].ย Hum Ecol Interdiscip J. 2020;1-9. Source

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