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Can You Compost Ginger?: The Ultimate Guide To Ginger Composting

by Idris Ya'u
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The short answer: ginger scraps such as the peels can be composted. But, you need to chop the peels and other ginger scraps into pieces for easy breaking down. Additionally, ginger needs to be added into compost in small quantity so that the spicy will not affect the decomposition microorganisms in the compost.

Keep reading for a detailed step by step guide on whether ginger can be added into compost or not.

Can you Compost Ginger?

Ginger is an organic matter and so you can’t say it will not breakdown. However, there are some issues that may arise when you added ginger into your compost without following some due processes. And these issues include delaying the composting process, releasing of unpleasant odour, and attracting pests such as rodents and insects.

You can avoid all these issues when you put the ginger in the compost properly. For instance, let us take the issue of delaying the composting process. You can avoid this problem when you cut the ginger into pieces and leave the scraps to dry and then add to the compost. This can serve as brown compostable materials.

Additionally, while adding ginger to your compost, do not add the scraps of ginger in plenty or too much. when you add plenty of ginger in your compost, it can affect the microorganisms’ biological activities. And these are organisms that aid in the composting process.

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Moreover, adding the ginger in small quantity can also help avoid your compost from releasing bad odour and this also helps deter pests from your compost.

Learn more about ginger here and more about its effects on decomposition microorganisms here.


Ginger scraps such as peels are good compostable materials but they should be added in small quantity and should be chopped into smaller pieces before adding to the compost. This helps increase surface area for easy breaking down of the ginger scraps during decomposition.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can you Compost?

There are plenty of compostable materials that you can add onto your compost. These include newspapers, chopped straw, chopped hay, chopped cardboard, fruits peels and green leafy vegetables, chopped tree branches, and dried leaves.

Learn more about compostable materials

Can you Compost Lemons?

Lemons is one of the citruses and there are some issues that are raised with regard to composting citrus fruits and they include killing the decomposing microorganisms, causing the disease to the end-plants that are going to receive the fertilizer when the compost finish, and delaying the composting process.

You can learn more about citrus composting here

Can you compost potatoes?

Yes. Potatoes can be composted. The only thing that you need to avoid while composting is adding diseased potatoes scraps. You also need to cut the potatoes into pieces before adding to the compost.

Learn more about composting potatoes

Can you compost Raisins?

The short answer to this: you do not need to compost raisins. This is because raisins are soluble in water and are dissolved in water and turn into liquid. Additionally, if you have pets like dog, adding raisin to your compost can be a problem. This is because the may scavenge on your compost and eat the raisins, which may lead to their deaths.

Read also: What Will Happen If You Left The Compost Too Long

Can you Compost Avocado?

Yes. Avocado is a good compostable material. But, you need to avoid adding avocado in large quantity and bigger size. Generally, avocado scraps should not be more than 10% of the compostable materials that you will add to your compost.

Tip: Learn more about composting avocado

Do not add too much avocado skins into your compost pile or bin. Chop them into smaller chunks before adding to your composting container.

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Can you Compost Banana Peels?

Banana peels are good compostable materials that can add nitrogen to the soil and help your garden plants grow healthy. Make sure you cut the banana peels into smaller sizes before adding to your compost.

Tip: Learn more about composting banana peels

Can you compost Garlic?

Garlic can be composted. But, the odour from garlic can attract insects and rodents. And these animals can mess up with your compost. So, make sure while composting garlic, you add small quantity and keep the composting container out of reach of pests such as rodents.

Can you compost onions?

Onions can be composted in a compost. But, just like garlic, onions also can make your compost to release a bad odour. Also, if you add larger sizer onions, they can delay the composting process. And you should add not too many onions. Make sure the onions are not up to 5% of the compostable materials in the compost bin or pile.

Read also: How To Make Liquid Fertilizer From Dry Fertilizer

Can you put bread in Compost?

Yes. You can put bread in a compost even if it is a slice of moldy bread. Just chop the bread into smaller pieces and then add into the composting container.


Ginger is packed with many nutrients. You can find more detailed information about ginger from here and here. And more importantly, these nutrients were known to improve soil quality and plants’ growth.

But, can you compost ginger? Read this step by step article to find out whether ginger can be added to the compost. Let me know if you have any questions in the comments section below.

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