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What Is Container Gardening? Now Answered

by Idris Ya'u
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Container gardening is the process of planting and growing both edible and non edible plants like vegetables, flowers and herbs in containers in stead of planting them in a normal soiled ground

The containers used for this type of plantings is usually small and portable. They may come in form of baskets, boxes, pots or tube.

The aim of planting this way, is usually to bring nature closer to our homes as we are mostly surrounded by artifices stuffs like the television, phones and social media.

Also, the unbending works and tight schedules that rids us of precious times of visiting the outdoors in a bid to enjoy the beauty of nature hence we plant indoors just to have an easy and near feel of it.

However, there are varieties of container gardening planters to use for this experiments. We have for example: Terracotta planters, plastic and window boxes.

Reasons For Planting In Containers

Container gardening is the most popular options for apartment owners, normally placed at the backyard, balconies and verandas because of limited access to traditional planting grounds. The benefits includes easy movement around the house plus containers can fit a small spaced house.

Suitable Plants For Container Gardening

There are varieties of plant species to choose from, from decorative flowers, herbs, vegetables, shrubs etc. There are also plants that love outdoors and others preferring in doors.

For example: Herbs and Plants like chill places and Araguaia loves lesser sun so can comfortably grow in side the house once there’s ventilation and light pierce. Some other plants and vegetables prefer heat and outdoor.

Procedure For Container Gardening

There are varieties of creative planters you can always make yourself to start your container gardening journey with. For example: plastic pots, tea cups, wine bottles etc. Only ensure that there are drainage holes in each Container and proper ventilation so they can stay longer.

Fill up the Container with a quality potting mix. Measure the soil PH to see if it suits your plants needs. Water your plants appropriately.

Do not forget there are moisture loving plants and others preferring dry soil. Potting mixes can either be home made or purchased directly from the stores.

Repotting Your Plants

It is possible to remove a plant from an already existing Container into another. This happens with the enlargement of the root of a plant to an extent the old planter no longer accommodates it.

There are plants that naturally must be repotted because their roots are bound, while some other roots of plants can grow to become too big for the Container

Equipment And Tools For Container Garden

There are some basic equipment which includes Hand Trowel, Hand gloves, Watering can, Pruner,Hand cultivators plus containers. Other less basic ones are kneeling pad, pointed scissors, plant support, soil scoop and labels.

These tools are made to perform different types of works. Hand trowel is used for digging holes and mixing soil. Hand cultivator rakes and tills Container soil.

Pruner cuts wood stems small branches. Gloves protects hands form dirt and harm. Water can is for irrigation purposes and kneeling pad for your working on bare floor or grounds

The Right Soil For Container Garden

Container plants won’t thrive in just any soil. You don’t have to go to your backyard, scoop just any outdoor soil to plant with. Research the best soil mixture for your plants. Use a compost soil so they can grow healthily all year round.

Harvesting Container Plants

Its easy to do this. That’s why there’s a scissors in your equipment kit to help snip firstly the base of the plant to keep it alive as you harvest.

Time management of Plant

There are seasonal plants and others that may take two to three weeks to sprout and grow. But it’s best not to put your mind to this. Do you best and enjoy the gardening processes.

Basic Principles Of Container Garden

  1. Plant in the most conducive places.
  2. Ensure proper drainage system.
  3. Pair plants in larger containers
  4. Choose Container that suits your personal style or taste
  5. Use best quality compost soil
  6. Make sure soil mixture is plant friendly.

Conclusively, Container gardening simply means to lend your hands out even though limited, to the agricultural needs of yourself, others and also of the environment; in a very small spaced way as you can.


  1. The Delightful Flexibility of Container Gardening
  2. Container gardening to combat micronutrients deficiencies in mothers and young children during dry/lean season in northern Ghana
  3. Container Gardening: Here’s What You Need to Know

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