Fresh cow dung cannot be used directly on plants especially in a growing garden; this is so because it contains too much of nutrients like ammonia that can burn plant parts when directly applied.
Cow dung can only be used best as a fertilizer when itโs been composted. The fresh cow dung that must be used directly on plants must be such manure that is lower in organic matter content; fresh cow dung without composting has high organic matter.
Only the cow manure that has a lower organic content is capable of been spread and used on plants without burning them.
By directly using fresh cow dung, the nitrogen in the manure is not readily available at a go to plants, especially the growing plants because most of it is held up in organic forms.
This organic form can now only be made available to growing plants via composting when microorganisms in the soil decompose the organic compounds.
Using fresh cow dung especially with food crop plants can contaminate your plants with pathogens.
Using Fresh Cow Dung
One way to use fresh cow dung is by spreading or digging in the raw manure; which is suitably done at fall time. When you do this, it will take up to months before the edible plants start to respond.
The plants response indicates that the fresh cow dung had decomposed, with disease causing organisms and harmful bacteria been eradicated with time.
Dangers of Using Fresh Cow Dung
This way of using fresh cow dung by spreading or digging in the raw manure into the soil to be used on plants is always not advisable because fresh cow dung might not have undergone complete decomposition.
When used on edible crop plant like tomato, it might make it grow big but very unproductive due to too much of nitrogen contained in the manure.
By directly using fresh cow dung; you’re disadvantaged in such a way that knowing how much manure you’re using cannot be quantified, this of which can be determined by the crop you would like to plant next as well as variations in the type of manure.
Edible crops like potatoes, carrots had their root get irritated when fresh cow dung is used directly on them.
These practice might result in crops been twisted in the case of carrots and crops been affected with scabs in case of potatoes.
What is the Safest Approach to Using Fresh Cow Dung?
By concisely allowing the ageing or decomposition of your fresh cow dung before its usage on plants benefit not only the plants especially the growing ones, it benefits your garden, as well as your immediate environment.
Composting must be done until heat emerges, with high temperatures eliminating bacteria and many weed seeds.
Composting fresh cow dung is therefore very beneficial, helping you as a gardener to fertilization and boost your garden by enhancing; drainage in clay soils, water retention capacity in sandy soil,
crop quality, gradual release of nutrients and beneficial soil organisms, coupled with its impact of reducing the effects of cow waste on the environment.
- Current status of cow dung as a bioresource for sustainable development