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How To Manage Food Waste n Restaurants Near Ikeja

by Idris Ya'u
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Every year, areas near Ikeja lose and waste a significant portion of their total food production, which is never preserved despite the existence of hunger and undernutrition.

One of the primary reasons is that food loss and waste continue to rise in the absence of significant government or business intervention.

For so long, the loss and waste problem has been ignored, and in recent years, there has been a consistent increase as a result of increased insecurity, movement, and transportation restrictions.

How do you manage food waste in restaurants near Ikeja?

Food waste is defined as food that is of good quality and fit for consumption but is not consumed because it is discarded either before or after consumption and is left to spoil.

Surveys of families near Ikeja, the country’s economic capital, to understand the causes of food waste in restaurants identified packaging and preservation as a major issue.

To address this widespread issue, restaurants and the government must implement policy solutions to improve storage, cooling technologies, and packaging for the preservation of perishable foods and the extension of food shelf lives.

The good news is that there are numerous methods for reducing food waste and loss throughout the supply chain.

Investment can be made, for example, in the importation of cooling and refrigerated trucks for the transportation of perishable fruits and vegetables.

Farm produce such as tomatoes, plantains, and even catfish can be preserved using a cooling system that transports them directly from the farms to urban businesses or consumers, reducing food waste and increasing fresh produce availability in the country.

Furthermore, for the long-term sustainability of high-quality standards and improved product safety, innovative smart food packaging and smart sensing technologies for monitoring food quality can be introduced.

These are business opportunities for investors to pursue or for attracting foreign direct investments, or FDIs.

Read also: Examples Of Food And Kitchen Waste

What are the other ways to manage waste in restaurants near Ikeja?

Inquire whether customers want to take leftovers home: Food left on customers’ plates accounts for 34% of waste, so why not offer your customers the option of a ‘doggy bag’ to take their leftover food home with them?

Of course, not every food can be packaged for later consumption, but slices of pizza, for example, can easily be placed in a take-away box.

Don’t provide trays if you have a buffet or self-service counter: Food waste is frequently attributed to people being overly enthusiastic at self-service counters.

People are less likely to pile on extra food or pick up side dishes that they can’t carry and can’t eat if they are only given plates.

Include leftovers and use food efficiently: Try not to be so quick to throw away leftover food, as you may be able to use it elsewhere.

Vegetable peelings and animal bones, for example, can be used to make stocks and soups, while day-old bread can be turned into croutons or breadcrumbs.

Compost food waste: Instead of throwing it away, place any leftover food in a compost bin where it can be used.

Except for meat, fish, and dairy products, this includes fruit and vegetable peelings, old bread products, grains, coffee ground and tea bags, and pretty much any food.

Read also:ย Advantages And Disadvantages Of Food Waste

What has the Lagos state government said?

To protect the environment and achieve food security, the Lagos State government advised restaurants in Ikeja and surrounding areas to ensure efficient food management at private homes and public places.

The government stated that the culture of food waste cannot ensure adequate food for the world’s ever-increasing population, condemning the heinous habit of wasting food at events,

homes, and public functions, and urging residents in Ikeja and surrounding areas to cultivate the habit of reducing food waste in order to reduce the environmental impact of food production.

Read also:ย How To Calculate Food Wastage In Restaurants


There is no single solution to this problem, but having an innovative mindset can get the government, restaurants, researchers, and the general public started.

In fact, reducing food waste in restaurants will help to strengthen and improve general food security in areas near and within Ikeja.


  1. Kitchen Waste definition, retreived from here
  2. Kitchen WasteManagement, retrieved from here
  3. Biodegradable kitchen waste, retrieved from here

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