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How to Compost Horse Manure Fast

by Idris Ya'u
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Composting is an excellent method of waste recycling. It doesn’t matter if it’s kitchen trash or animal feces; you can absolutely use it to help your garden plants.

Horse manure is a high-nutrient source for your garden soil. Its slow-release qualities make it ideal for correcting nitrogen deficiencies in any soil.

Most gardeners struggle with knowing how to compost horse dung quickly. Fresh horse manure is dangerous to your soil; you must compost it first, which should not be difficult provided you have access to all of the fundamental material, which are horse feces.

How to Compost Horse Manure Fast?

When it comes to composting horse dung, you have several options. It makes little difference which approach you choose as long as you receive the desired outcome, which is rich humus.

You may compost your horse manure using either a hot or cold compost technique.

Composting in the Heat

Microbial activity is increased in hot composting by employing special equipment to speed up the process. Hot composting is one of the quickest ways to recycle garbage when done correctly.

To accelerate decomposition, stir the compost elements on a regular basis. You should select the appropriate size compost container and be prepared to devote time and labor to your compost.

Hot composting can be ready in as little as three weeks, depending on precipitation and air temperature.

Composting in the Cold

Cold composting is another composting option to explore. It is the inverse of hot composting.

You are not compelled to stir the compost pile as frequently as you would be elsewhere. It is the most basic way of composting and is ideal for inexperienced gardeners.

Because you do not need to generate heat within the compost pile, you will have to wait for your compost to be ready.

Composting Horse Manure: Step By Step Guide

Choose a Good Location

The first step in fast harvesting your compost is to choose the correct location. The ideal location should be high ground so that your compost pile does not become damp.

If you have horses, the location should be adjacent to the stable so that you can easily get manure.

If you wish to build a storage system, such as wooden bins, you should do it in a dry location.

A Pile or Bin System

You should also select a method that you are comfortable with; for effective composting, you can pick between a bin and a pile system.

If you like to keep your compost area clean, a bin system is ideal. You may also stack the items around your garden on top of one other.

You should use up to three containers or piles to monitor the different stages of your compost. The first should be used to store manure and fresh garbage.

The second should be reserved for temperature regulating and compost stirring, while the third should be reserved for curing or finishing.

Make Use of Carbon-Rich Materials

You will need to employ carbon-rich materials in addition to horse dung to get your compost ready quickly. Sawdust, dried leaves, wood, paper, cardboard, and pine needles are some examples of such materials.

To avoid anaerobic decomposition, combine the ingredients and horse dung as soon as possible so that microbial activity may commence.

Protect the Pile

Regardless of whether you use a container or a pile method, you must keep the compost pile covered at all times. By doing so, you maintain the heat within the bin, which speeds up decomposition.

Keep it open

One of the secrets to quickly composting horse manure is to keep the compost airy. You may accomplish this by any methods required,

but the simplest method is to flip the materials on a daily basis. For ventilation, you may also drill holes or build chimney-like pipework.

Compost should be turned over

This is the point at which most gardeners give up. They find it frustrating to have to commit time every day to stirring the compost pile.

Microbial activity can only occur if the compost is kept airy and wet. If you find it unpleasant, you may make it more comfortable by using the appropriate equipment.

Wear protective gloves, a nose mask, and turn the pile with a long garden fork to avoid coming into touch with the contents.

When turning the compost, try to adequately combine the materials, especially if you want it to be ready soon.

Maintain a moist environment

If you want your compost pile to decompose quickly, keep it wet. Because it is difficult to compost dry materials, you need to add some moisture to the compost pile in addition to keeping it warm. Avoid using too much water and instead keep it wet like a sponge.

Allow Time

You should be aware that it can take between 3 and 6 months for your compost to be ready, so give it time and don’t expect results in a matter of days.

What distinguishes horse manure from other types?

Composting horse dung is more difficult than composting other kinds of manure. The manure must be broken down and blended with a high-nitrogen product, such as peat or sawdust.

How long does it take to compost fresh horse manure?

It might be somewhat more or less depending on the size of the bags and the amount you spin. Depending on the weather, it takes roughly 2 months. It will take longer in chilly climates.


Keep a watch on your bins and piles for symptoms that anything is wrong with your compost. You may also maintain your compost bin odor-free by keeping it open.

If you don’t have horses, you should look for fresh manure at a neighboring stable. You may also buy organic horse dung to use in your garden, but be sure it does not include any chemical pollutants.

You may avoid dealing with the mess by getting a compost tumbler, which automatically spins the compost pile.

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