How Well Did You Know Organic Waste? Generally, the word “organic” literally means anything or everything that’s derived from or pertaining to living organisms.
So you can simply say organic waste are mostly household wastes gotten from the remains from the activities of humans and probably other living things like plants or animals, with wastes from powdered minerals inclusive.
This waste maybe caused by household consumption habits like food scraps, leaves, fruit litter, grass, vegetable litter etc.
Is Organic Waste Composable?
Yes, it is. Organic waste is a compostable waste, of which when composted can generate a usable compost.
Can Organic Wastes Act As Organic Fertilizer?
For the fact that Organic fertilizers are also mostly usually made from plant or animal wastes, it is a form of organic waste.
Organic waste can for sure act as organic fertilizer, having highly processed products with a compost or manure base.
Disadvantages of Using Organic Waste
Insufficient Availability In The Face Of Many Demands
As beneficial as organic wastes or fertilizers might be in terms of cost, there is a disadvantage of insufficiency in availability when there are higher demands for it.
For instance having a big farming ground or garden will obviously demand a lot to fertilize, but wastes from houses can’t make as much enough fertilizers to use.
The Procedure Is Often Complicated and Takes Time
By producing your own compost using organic wastes, its a complicated process that is often leading to inconsistent end-products. It also often takes time to prepare organic fertilizers.
In addition, for malnourished or dying plants needing immediate and appropriate nutrients to resuscitate it, organic fertilizers will fail most times because it takes time and very slow in its release of nutrients.
It’s Often Unpleasant, With a Low Nutrient Profile
As simple as it may seems using organic waste to make compost, the simple fact is that itโs not pleasant to work with, making the whole process very inconvenient.
For instance, at the process of degradation, the rotting smell of the organic ingredients can be very unpleasant.
Furthermore, the nutrients in organic wastes often have complexes in structure and the nutrient level is often very low.
Process Is Associated With a Slow Start
By using the organic waste, you have the disadvantage of having a slow start, and by implementing it to your soil, farm or garden require a lot of patience and perseverance.
These organic fertilizers must firstly have to break down into the soil before you can start seeing the results.
The organic fertilizers after you must have done the first application has it completely got broken down might require you to start seeing results within a few months, thereby, the results are not immediate, giving your process a slow start.
Just like every other things having their own disadvantages no matter how beneficial they seems to be, organic fertilizers has its own drawbacks as well, and itโs better to consider its ups and downs before deciding on which path to go with it.