Mechanical Composting method simply uses electricity to generate the heat needed coupled with the rotation of the contents that are required to produce semi-composted waste exactly within a period of 24 hours.
Mechanical Composting just like other used methods of composting for a home or business environment is described as another evolving method of composting, having its own advantages and disadvantages just like all other composters.
Depending on different needs of people at some given points in time, Mechanical Composting and any other methods of composting had given the opportunities that will currently support your living conditions, as well as giving you the options to always change your mode of composting several times all through your lifetime.
Consecutively, elements that are generally demanded in most systems in order to produce compost are; Air, Water, Vegetable Matter, Worms, Carbon-nitrogen mix (brown and green waste), Bacteria (EMOs), Soldier Flies, and other beneficial Bugs like Cockroaches and other insects that help in the decomposition process.
Furthermore, Mechanical Composting systems specifically require some of these composting elements which include; Air, Water, Organic matter and the added element of Electricity.
While some may require exhaust vents as well, Mechanical composters come in divers sizes and shapes for both home and commercial use, thereby making the advantages and disadvantages to vary with size and usage.
Apparently, the Mechanical Composting system is a form of in-house system that can be managed with maximization without the need to send your waste off to a public disadvantage.
This system is best appropriate for use in schools, motels, restaurants, hotels, hospitals, and any large institution that creates large amounts of waste from many people.
Disadvantages of Mechanical Composting System
In the view of this, the disadvantages of mechanical composting system include;
Incomplete Decomposition
One of the disadvantages of this system is the need to further compost the waste, this waste is not fully decomposed thereby requiring collection by someone to collect the leftover contents for further composting in a garden bed or bay composting system.
Problem of Needing Extra Space
It is necessary to regularly remove and store Composted waste for collection. A well ventilated outside area or room with an exhaust fan would be needed, in the view of this, extra space is needed for storage.
High Cost of Purchase and Maintenance
Both on the basis of home and commercial mechanical composting system, the cost to purchase and maintain the machines are high owning to the fact that they require electricity to operate.
Difficulty in Cleaning
Both on the basis of home and commercial mechanical composting system, the machines are tricky to clean and maintain.
Need for Additional Element
Some mechanical compost require EMOs (bacteria) to be added. It also creates earthy odor within the commercial and home systems.
However, it is therefore important to fully understand the advantages and disadvantages of mechanical composting and other methods of composting especially when you have discovered for yourself the best method that is found useful and well suited to your need, as well as the need of your immediate environment.
All of these methods serve different purposes, thereby working in varying degrees.
While you can view any of these methods as more efficiently than others, you may as well want to try some of these methods, so as to compliment your current system or simply look for a complete change.