There are dozens of tomato types available in seed catalogs and nursery stock, which might be overwhelming to a gardener trying to choose the best tomatoes for their garden this year.
Understanding the basics will make growing your favorite variety much easier and more pleasant.
Tomatoes are among the most common home garden vegetables, and it’s easy to see why.
Domestic tomatoes are not only said to taste better than store-bought, but they can also be abundant and easy to produce, and with so many various kinds of tomatoes to select from, gardeners have plenty of alternatives.
However, the diversity of tomato types might make it difficult to choose. One method to cut down your possibilities is to ask yourself if you want to plant determinate or indeterminate tomatoes, which is an issue you should probably think about anyhow.
Determinate tomato plants are often smaller and more compact, with a shorter and possibly earlier fruiting window. Indeterminate tomatoes continue to develop and bear fruit well into the summer, delivering tomatoes well into the autumn.
Those cultivars are more highly determinate or indeterminate, and some with a mix of features are even labeled “semi-determinate,” although it’s commonly perceived as a binary distinction.
Determinate Vs Indeterminate Tomatoes
The following are the difference between determinate and indeterminate tomatoes:
Determinate tomatoes
Determinate tomatoes are those that reach a specific mature size and ripen all of their fruit in a short amount of time (usually about two weeks).
The plant’s strength will begin to wane once this first batch of fruit has matured, and it will produce little to no additional fruit.
Because they do not keep expanding in length during the growing season, determinate tomato types are commonly known as “bush” tomatoes.
In comparison to indeterminate tomatoes, they are often smaller plants, growing to a compact height of 4 to 5 feet.
Deciduous tomatoes don’t need to be pruned or suckers removed because they stop growing on their own. Staking or caging is still required, despite their small stature.
Once all of the fruits have set and begun to plump up and mature, they will be carrying a heavy load. Because this might put a lot of strain on the branches, staking will support the plant.
When you need a lot of tomatoes at once for juice, sauces, or canning, determinate tomatoes are the way to go. Several paste or Roma tomatoes, such as ‘San Marzano’ and ‘Amish Paste,’ are determinate cultivars.
Others have been developed to be determinate, allowing them to be harvested in bulk at once. ‘Celebrity,’ ‘Marglobe,’ and ‘Rutgers’ are among them.
Indeterminate tomatoes
Indeterminate tomato types are vining plants that keep growing in length during the growing season, unlike determinate tomatoes, which reach their maximum height and set all of their fruit at the same time.
It’s for this reason that they’re frequently referred to as “vining” tomatoes.
Indeterminate tomato varieties, on the other hand, keep setting and ripening fruit until frost destroys the plants.
Rather than a single enormous harvest, they will provide you with a steady supply of tomatoes.
They do, nevertheless, start maturing a little later in the season than determinate kinds because they spend a lot of time getting tall initially.
Indeterminate tomatoes should have part of their suckers pruned back to prevent uncontrollable growth.
Don’t ever pinch out a sucker just below a blossom, since this will result in uneven plant development and a lower harvest. Many heirloom and cherry tomato cultivars are indeterminate.
Indeterminate plants can be seen in several dwarf tomato types. Indeterminate types such as ‘Beefsteak,’ ‘Big Boy,’ ‘Brandywine,’ ‘Sungold,’ and ‘Sweet Million’ are among the most common tomatoes to plant.
‘Early Girl,’ for example, is an uncertain variety. They are frequently referred to as semi-determinate since they mature and die back sooner in the growing season.
Because of how long they grow, indeterminate types require large, durable stakes or cages for support.
The plants can grow to be 6 to 10 feet tall (or much taller) and quite hefty.
Tomatoes can also be cultivated as a hanging vine when grown upside down.
This removes the need for support, maintains the fruit off the ground, and enables the plant to grow openly so that sunlight may access all of its parts.
Nevertheless, because the plant will be hefty, use a robust hook and hanger.