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How To Grow Broccoli Microgeen Without Soil

by Idris Ya'u
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Consider growing as many broccoli microgreens as you will ever require for salads or sandwiches. But much faster than a soil garden.

What about growing microgreens in water rather than soil? While not strictly necessary, one of the best ways to grow broccoli microgreens is in a system that grows both fish and plants in the same organic system.

Aquaponics is a method of growing broccoli microgreens in water with fish that requires no soil.

So, if you’ve ever asked: “What are ways to grow broccoli microgreens at home without soil?” This article is for you.

How to grow broccoli microgeen without soil

Broccoli microgreens are a stage of the plant’s life that occurs between the ages of 10 and 14 days. An aquaponics system is the best type of no-soil gardening system.

Where an aquaponics system grows broccoli microgreens in water alongside fish.

Growing broccoli microgreens in water is known as hydroponics, and the micro-broccoliplants get the nutrients they require from the water rather than the soil.

The hydroponic broccoli microgreen plants purify the water, allowing the fish to thrive. But with the added bonus of a secondary catch of fish to eat.

An aquaponics system is the most effective method of no-soil gardening. The term aquaponics may sound a little fancy, but it is actually quite simple.

Growing broccoli microgreens in water with fish is the goal of an aquaponics system.

Aquaponics is a fantastic home-grow system that combines raising fish (aquaculture) and growing plants (in this case, broccoli microgreens) without the use of soil (hydroponics).

This is an entirely self-contained system. Once everything is in place, the only thing left to do is feed the fish.

Read also: How To Grow Chard Microgreens

However, there is a little more to aquaponics systems than this. For example, the water must be tested on a regular basis for pH (acidity or alkalinity) and ammonia levels.

Another simple method for growing microgreens is to use a grow mat instead of soil. It is clean, simple to use, and the mats can be reused multiple times. However, you will require some specialised equipment. Specifically, the grow mat.

Microgreen grow mats are available in a variety of materials, all of which perform admirably, though some require more frequent watering than others. These are the steps:

Begin by cutting the mat to fit into the flat’s bottom. If the mat is already sized to fit, skip this step.

Then, regardless of the material, soak the mat in water for several hours. While your mat is soaking, soak the seeds in water for a few hours as well.

Remove any excess water from the flat.
Scatter the soaked seeds over the top of the mat. There is no need to conceal them in any way.

Place the flat in a sunny windowsill or under grow lights. Keep it well hydrated. Don’t let the grow mat dry out.

Your broccoli microgreen seeds will sprout and grow within a few days.

Read also: How To Grow Pea Microgreens Without Soil

How do you grow broccoli microgreens on wood shavings

Growing broccoli microgreens on wood shavings, or “confetti,” is another option. These are less clean than grow mats and cannot be reused, but they are sustainable and compostable.

You can buy wood shavings used for animal bedding from a feed store (make sure they’re finely sized, not big shavings), or you can buy wood shavings made specifically for growing microgreens.

Follow the same steps as for growing sprouts in soil, but instead of soil, fill the flat with wood “confetti.” Before filling the flat, soak the shavings in water for a few hours.

Because wood shavings retain a surprising amount of moisture, they do not require as much watering as soil.

Read also: How To Grow Radish Microgreens

What is the best lighting for growing microgreens

During the spring, summer, and fall, an east or west-facing window is ideal. If you want to grow microgreens in the winter,

I recommend using a south-facing window or grow lights to ensure your sprouting seedlings receive enough light to green up. A fancy grow light does not have to cost a lot of money.


  1. Broccoli Microgreens: A Mineral-Rich Crop That Can Diversify Food Systems

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