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Growing Cucumbers On The Ground (Step By Step Guide)

by Idris Ya'u
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Cucumbers are a low-maintenance vegetable that thrives in the sun and water. They grow fast if given constant watering and warmth. Cucumbers should not be allowed to grow too big before being picked, otherwise, they will taste bitter. Learn how to cultivate cucumbers and harvest them.

Types Of Cucumbers

Vining cucumbers and bush cucumbers are the two varieties of cucumber plants.

Vining cucumbers

Cucumbers that grow on robust vines with big leaves provide shade. These plants develop quickly, and if you take adequate care of them, they will provide a large crop. When raised on a trellis or fence, vining varieties thrive. They’ll be cleaner, more prolific, and easier to harvest than those that thrive directly on the ground.

Bush cucumbers

Bush cucumbers, on the other hand, are ideal for tiny gardens and pots.
Plant in a logical order (every two weeks for continued harvests). Cucumbers develop swiftly and mature in about six weeks when planted in already warm soil.

If you want to make pickles, we suggest heirloom ‘Boston Pickling,’ one of the most popular types below. Prepare pickles as soon as possible after harvesting to ensure crispness.

When To Grow Cucumbers

The following are conditions necessary for an ideal time in growing cucumbers.

Cucumber plants should be sown or transferred into the ground no later than two weeks following the last frost date. Cucumbers are particularly prone to frost and cold damage, and germination requires a soil temperature of at least 70°F. Planting outside too early is not a good idea!

Sow cucumber seeds indoors three weeks before transplanting them to the ground to gain a head start. They prefer a temperature of around 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius) at the bottom of the container. If you lack a heat mat, put the seed over the refrigerator or a few of them over the water heater. Some growers start cucumber seeds outdoors in the greenhouse. For details, check our guide about growing cucumbers from seeds outdoors.

Planting Site Selection and Preparation

The following are steps to determine the planting site selection and preparation of cucumbers.

Choose a location that gets plenty of sun. Cucumbers take a great deal of light and warmth.

Cucumbers need good soil to grow. Before planting, mix with compost and/or aged manure to a depth of 2 inches, then work into the soil 6 to 8 inches deep.

Check that the soil is moist and well-drained, rather than damp and compacted. With a pH of 6.5 to 7.0, the soil should be balanced or slightly acidic.

Organic matter can contribute to enhancing clay soil. Peat, compost, or rotting manure can help to increase dense, heavy soil. (If you’re unsure about your soil type, get a soil test; find your local county cooperative extension.) Northern gardens benefit from light, sandy soils that warm fast in the spring.

How To Grow Cucumbers On Ground

The following are ways on how to grow cucumbers on the ground.

Cucumbers’ primary care need is water which is regular watering! At least one inch of water per week is required (or more, if temperatures are sky-high). Place your finger in the dirt and water it until it is dry beyond the first joint of your finger. Fruit with a harsh taste results from irregular watering.

Water gradually in the morning or early afternoon, sparing the leaves to prevent the plant from succumbing to leaf diseases. To keep the leaves dry, use a soaker hose or irrigation system to hydrate your cucumbers.

Mulch to keep moisture in the soil. When the seedlings emerge, start watering them often and gradually increase to a gallon per week once the fruit emerges.

When seedlings are 4 inches tall, thin them out to a distance of at least 1½ feet. If you incorporate organic matter into the soil before planting, you may only need to apply compost or well-rotted manure as a side-dress.

Use a liquid fertilizer from your garden store, such as vegetable plant food with a low nitrogen/high potassium/phosphorus composition, if desired.

Apply immediately to the soil surrounding the plants during planting, one week after flowering, and every three weeks. You can also incorporate a granular fertilizer into the soil. If you fertilize too much, the fruits will be undersized.

Set up trellises early to prevent harm to seedlings and vines if you have limited room or like vertical vines. To entice bees and produce more fruit, spray vines with sugar water.


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