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How Long Does Ginger Take To Grow? – Step By Step Answer

by Idris Ya'u
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You must have seen someone cooking with ginger or seen it lying among other edible crops in the grocery store and you wonder the usefulness of this herb. The tropical crop with the botanical name, Zingiber officinale is the second only pepper as a spice.

Its aroma and health benefits have made many people use it all over the world, especially in Asian countries. Gingerol, an aromatic chemical that changes into the sweeter zingerone when heated or dried, is responsible for the sharp bite of raw fresh ginger.

It can be planted both indoors and outdoors. What we term ginger root is actually a rhizome, to be more precise. We don’t consume the roots that sprout from the rhizome. However, we’ll go with ginger root because it’s the more popular name.

Harvesting ginger requires you to dig up the rhizomes and trim off the amount you want to use from the rhizome’s outer edges. Wait a few days for the cuts to heal before replanting the remaining plants.

There’s a lot to learn about ginger and in this article, I’ll break them into bits and also explain how long it takes ginger to grow.

How Long Does It Take To Grow Ginger

The best time to plant ginger is in the early spring. If you live in a warm climate, ginger is a tropical plant that may be grown all year. Ginger should be grown in a container that can be carried indoors during the winter months in colder climates.

Plant your ginger until after the first frost has passed. It takes eight to ten months for the plant to mature, and it’s best harvested in the winter when the leaves start to fall.

Read also: Learn How To Grow Ginger In Water Without Soil

Steps To Grow Ginger

The expected height of your mature ginger is four feet and many of the roots will naturally appear above ground. The following are the required steps to grow your ginger.

  1. If your soil is deficient, add compost or old manure.
  2. If feasible, plant in the early spring. You can plant at any time if you reside in a warmer climate.
  3. Remove the fingers and cut each rhizome portion into 1 to 2-inch pieces with at least one bud.
  4. Let the pieces dry for 24-48 hours before planting, as this will help prevent root rot.
  5. Plant pieces that are at least 12 inches apart and no more than 1 inch deep. Ginger is often planted in double rows 1 foot apart for commercial cultivation, with a working passage between rows.
  6. After planting, make sure to water well.
  7. After about a week, the leaves will appear.
  8. After you notice growth, water sparingly but deeply.

Tip: How To Grow Ginger In Containers And Get A Huge Harvest

Harvesting Ginger

There are proper ways to harvest ginger and it will be listed below.

1) Remove the stems and trim them. Your ginger root will be ready to pick when the stems turn yellow. Before harvesting your ginger plant, wait until the stalks have died and the soil has dried. Trim the ginger plant’s top stems two to three weeks before you intend to dig it up.

2) The entire plant should be dug up. Gently remove the ginger root from the dirt with your hands or a tiny trowel, making sure it is not attached to the rest of the ginger plant. This can be done with just your hands or with a small trowel.

3) Ginger should be washed and prepared. Under running water, wash and scrape your ginger roots, being sure to remove as much dirt as possible. Your ginger can now be cooked, pickled, dried, or prepared in any way you want. Some ginger pieces can be saved and replanted the next season.

Read also: Find the Best Containers For Growing Ginger


I hope you find this article helpful. I would like to hear from you. So, let me know if you have any questions about how long ginger takes to grow. Also, learn how to grow ginger and Tumeric here.


  1. “How Long Does Ginger Take To Grow” retrieved from here

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