Starting a vegetable garden requires a lot of work, including deciding which veggies to produce and purchasing seeds, as well as organizing the yard space.
Growing your vegetables at home has become increasingly popular over the last decade because it combines three major trends: eating healthy, saving money, and understanding where your food comes from.
Vegetable Gardening Ideas
1# Raised beds are ideal for planting
Raised beds are an attractive way to present your food garden in your backyard. It appears clean and groomed while still being utilitarian; each planter might be used to grow different varieties of veggies.
You could, for example, plant root vegetables in one planter and lettuces in another. Raised beds are the quickest way to achieve that deep layer of fertile soil.
Raised beds produce up to four times more than rows planted in the same amount of space. This is due to a combination of their loose, fertile soil and efficient spacing.
You can grow more plants if you use less space for walkways. Raised beds help control the soil mix and plant more veggies in a smaller space by allowing you to regulate the soil mix and plant intensively.
However, they drain well, warm up quickly in the spring, and are simple to care for. Fill with equal parts good-quality garden soil and compost and rot-resistant materials like cedar, hemlock, or corten steel, as shown above.
This strategy of splitting your vegetables into different planters will allow you to concentrate different types of plant food on specific types of vegetables, allowing them to receive the nutrients they require and grow more quickly. Raised beds also save you time.
From mid-May to mid-October, one researcher measured the time it took to plant and maintain a 30-by-30-foot garden planted in beds and discovered that he only needed to spend 27 hours in the garden.
Despite this, he managed to harvest 1,900 pounds of fresh produce. From just three days of labor, you can provide a year’s worth of food for three people!
2# Vegetables are grown in containers
Container gardens are the most frequent and easiest to create, with layouts limited only by your creativity. If you have a small space, utilize containers of any size that fits comfortably and allows you to care for them.
Container plants rely on you to keep them alive, so be sure you know what kind of watering they need before planting. Salad plants are particularly well-suited to container gardening.
Even balcony gardeners can grow food by planting in containers, windowboxes, hanging baskets, or buckets.
The following are the three rules of container gardening:
Choose pots that have drainage holes.
Larger pots keep more soil and dry up less rapidly, therefore bigger is better.
However, potting mixes are lightweight and drain effectively, they should be used instead of garden soil.
3# Plants of distinction
Vegetable gardens, while beneficial in many ways, are often regarded as unsightly and untidy, and hence are rarely found in well-kept yards.
This does not have to be the case, as evidenced by this yard, which features well-defined vegetable garden beds in between a well-kept lawn.
You may still get a professional effect as long as the vegetable patches are well-maintained. Using an edging tool to produce a defined look around the vegetable beds will contribute to the spotless appearance.
Similar vegetable types should be grouped to avoid the beds becoming disorganized.
4# Vertically expand
Growing food in a space-constrained garden frequently necessitates ingenuity. Cucumbers, squash, and indeterminate tomatoes, for example, take up significantly less room in the garden when grown-up fences, trellises, stakes, obelisks, and other structures.
It also saves time to grow plants vertically. You will be able to see exactly where the fruits are, and harvest and upkeep proceed faster.
However, because of the increased air circulation around the leaf, fungal infections are less likely to affect upward-bound plants.
Furthermore, plants that are raised above the ground are less susceptible to insect and disease problems. Just make sure they’re planted on accessible structures.
Pole beans on a trellis at the back of a big border may seem like a smart idea in the spring, but harvesting them by midsummer may be difficult.
5# Separate and conquer
People with small to medium-sized lawns or those who want to keep their vegetable garden compact while still growing a variety of vegetables might benefit from a large bed with a divider.
This is a more accessible option than having multiple vegetable beds, which would take more space and effort to set up. The divider is a simple and low-cost way to keep various vegetable kinds separated.
These dividers are available in hardware stores, but they can also be made at home with a few lengths of wood. The planks must be laid out in a grid pattern, and they can be joined with glue, screws, tack nails, or garden string.
6# Landscape with food plants
Growing food does not necessitate a designated location. Rather, combine crops with ornamental plants. This is a brilliant concept for a tiny food garden.
Use leaf lettuce or curly parsley to create an edible edge at the front of a flower bed; nestle pepper, tomato, or broccoli seedlings amongst your favorite perennials; or grow pole beans and cucumbers on a trellis or arbor. In summer containers, you can also combine food and flowers.
Plant ornamentals like salvia or marigolds with ultra dwarf tomatoes and peppers.
Read also: Learn About The Types Of Vegetable Gardening
7# Planters on the wall
Growing veggies in hanging planters is a great way to save space, and it can be done with just a few or in mass, as shown below.
Hanging planters allow you to keep different types of veggies apart, which is beneficial to the plants. However, it would make your life easier if various crops require different treatments in terms of watering frequency and volume.
However, planters can become fairly heavy when filled, it is advisable to hang them on metal frames for strength and stability.
Depending on the appearance you want to achieve and the budget you have, the planters themselves could be made of wood, metal, or plastic.
How Should I Arrange My Vegetables In My Garden?
Pay attention to how you place your plants in each bed to produce the best results. Planting in square patterns or rows is not recommended. Instead, put the plants in triangles to stagger them. You can fit 10 to 14 percent more plants in each bed this way.
Read also: Learn About The Importance Of Vegetable Gardening
What Vegetables Grow Best Together?
These vegetables are the best to grow for beginners: Peas, potatoes, squash, and tomatoes are just some of the vegetables available.
Beans, carrots, corn, cucumbers, radish, turnip, and turnip greens are all good companion plants.
Carrots, celery, cucumbers, onions, and peppers; beans, corn, peas; corn, melons, pumpkins; carrots, celery, cucumbers, onions, and peppers; carrots, celery, cucumbers, onions, and peppers; carrots, celery, cucumber
Garlic, onions, corn, potatoes, kohlrabi, and tomatoes are not recommended to be planted together.