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How To Set Up Terraced Vegetable Garden

by Idris Ya'u
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Gardening has different forms. And terraced vegetables gardening is one of them. In this article, I’m going to show you how to set up a terraced vegetables garden. Let’s get started.

Terracing, which entails creating level steps on sloping ground, has been used by farmers all over the world to raise crops and gardens since earlier civilizations. Consider Babylon’s Hanging Gardens or Asia’s stunning terraced rice farms.

In steep and mountainous terrain, terraces are one of the most useful tools for a landscaper. You might want to attempt terrace gardening in your yard if your land tilts as much as it runs level.

Terraces can help with xeriscaping and water-saving in the backyard. Terraces can be quite ornamental as well as allowing you to reclaim land from the hillside to plant vegetables, flowers, and bushes.

They’re also an excellent barrier to water runoff and erosion. They can also help develop light- and heat-loving plants and vegetables by creating warmer, brighter microclimates.

Now, in the middle of winter, is the right moment to imagine your hillside ablaze with tomatoes, trailing vines, and stands of lovely blossoms.

How To Set Up Terraced Vegetable Garden

So here’s how to get your terrace vegetable garden started:

Make sure the soil is ready

Mix the soil and natural manure with the peats thoroughly. Add cow dung or goat dung manure to the mixture if you want to keep it organic.

Allow this mixture to sit for a few days. However, don’t throw away the skin when peeling vegetables or other fruits.

Make raised beds

If you’re seeking a cost-effective approach to creating a terraced vegetable garden, look no further.

Create a raised bed; in comparison to containers, raised beds allow you to grow more veggies. Plants will thrive with less care and maintenance, and they are also inexpensive.

The raised bed on the patio is very similar to the ones you’d see in a conventional garden. Just make sure that the surface of the home terrace beneath it is adequately waterproofed before installing it.

Use the right container

Containers of all sizes and forms can be used, whether they are made of plastic, ceramic, metal, or mud.

Coke bottles, take-out plastic boxes, old sacks, coconut shells, old broken buckets, UV treated grow bags, cement pots, and your dented kitchen pots are all recyclable and can be used as containers.

Setting up plants requires the use of containers. Whatever containers you use, make sure there is a small opening at the bottom to allow any excess water to drain.

However, to stop the soil from leaking away, this tiny opening must be plugged with a small flat stone.

Plant propagation

Plants can be propagated in a variety of methods. Seeds, cuttings, stems, potted or bare root seedlings, corms or bulbs, and other methods of plant propagation are used.

Seeds are used to propagate vegetable plants, which are either disseminated on the surface or planted deep.

Seeds are usually planted three times their thickness, with some plants being nurtured in beds or pots before being transplanted
(typically after 5 to 6 weeks.

Selecting the vegetables

You can start with just one or two vegetables because this is your first time. Choose high-quality vegetable seeds to ensure that your vegetables grow healthy and happy.

Tomatoes, carrots, onions, potatoes, radish, beetroot, capsicum, and chilies are the best vegetables for your terrace garden.


Take care of your vegetables as if they were a child. Watering them is crucial, so ensure you water them on a constant schedule as needed.

Ensure you don’t overwater your plants, as this can lead to roof deterioration and damage. Also, before a big rain, be sure to fertilize your plant.

Protect the Terrace Vegetables Garden from pests and diseases

Pests will always find a way into your lovely terrace garden, despite what you do. To keep them at bay, you can apply pesticides, but only natural pesticides. It is simple to make insecticide at home, and you can give it a try.

For this, you’ll need to make a mixture of baking soda, cooking oil, and water, which you’ll then spray on the plants to prevent fungal infections. Use alternative pesticides, such as Neem oil, to combat the aphid infestation.

Pests aren’t the only thing that might harm your plant. Birds and UV radiation could destroy the plants once they begin to develop fruit. To safeguard your plants, use a wire mesh or a green garden net to cover them.

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