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5 Best Winter Flowers for Indoors

by Idris Ya'u
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If you’re like most gardeners, you like spring and summer because of the beautiful flowers and greenery that seem to be everywhere you turn.

Fortunately, you don’t have to give up your lovely blooming when the weather becomes colder because there are many winter flowers for indoors.

Here are a few examples of blooming plants that may be grown successfully indoors throughout the winter months.

Most are simple to care for provided you supply them with the proper atmosphere and follow watering recommendations.

Winter Flowers for Indoors

African Violets

African violets have long been a favored winter flowering houseplant among plant enthusiasts.

They come in a variety of floral hues, including purple, white, and pink, and the flower shapes can be single, double, or even ruffled.

These plants are tiny enough to fit into a five or six-inch-diameter pot and will look great on most windowsills. Their velvety leaves and capacity to bloom all year without a dormant phase distinguish them.

Read also: How to Care for Boxed Flowers

Christmas Cactus

A Christmas cactus has a gorgeous tropical appearance and is quite easy to care for. During the blossoming season, flowers occur in purple, pink, and red colours.

When the plant isn’t flowering, it displays lovely, segmented greenery that resembles a chain of leaves.

Christmas cactus prefers bright light and high humidity and will grow in a bathroom window.

Allow the plant to dry between thorough waterings and ensure that the soil drains well.

Keep the plant dry and cold for approximately a month after it has blossomed. This will cause the plant to blossom once again.


Citrus trees are fruit-bearing trees that require a lot of sunshine to grow. They should be kept outside when the weather is warm, but can be brought inside when the temperature drops below 65 degrees F throughout the day.

Citrus plants may be adjusted to reduced light levels by keeping them in the shade for approximately a week before bringing them indoors.

Citrus plants, on the other hand, will require the brightest window you have to provide in order to grow. A southerly exposure is good.

Read also: How to Care for Roses in a Vase without Using Flower Food


Cyclamen is well-known for its unique fluttery blooms and heart-shaped leaves.

Flowers are available in red, white, and pink hues. Cyclamen may be cultivated outside in a shaded location, but it will become dormant if temperatures above 70 degrees F.

Because cyclamen prefers chilly temperatures, it is especially popular for winter holiday dรฉcor.

The plant should bloom on a regular cycle if kept indoors throughout the winter months or all year. Plant cyclamen in a location that receives bright, indirect sunshine.

Read also: How To Care For Flowers From Florist


Orchids have become extremely popular indoor blooming plants. They are available in a wide range of forms, sizes, and colors, and the blossoms remain for weeks.

Orchids require specific care to be healthy, therefore you must follow a watering and feeding regimen.

Overwatering can promote rot in the roots of orchids, thus the soil should not be kept damp. Instead, water your orchid sparingly and let the soil surface to dry between waterings.


Growing blooming plants indoors is an excellent way to add a touch of warmth to your winter.

Blooming indoor plants complement foliage houseplants well. Grow them together and you’ll have a garden all year!


  1. Winter Flowering Plants, retrieved from here
  2. 17 Indoor Winter Plants That Bloom With Gorgeous Flowers, retrieved from here

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