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Why Are My Rose Cuttings Dying? Now Answered

by Idris Ya'u
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Roses are one of the favorite flowers to grow from seeds or cuttings since they are not only lovely and fragrant but are also easy to cut and bring inside for arrangements. But what do you do if your roses start to wilt? In this article, I’ll highlight a few reasons why your rose cuttings are dying.

Roses can die for some reasons such as diseases, pests, deer, lack of fertilizer, water, etc. However, all these factors can be tackled and will be explained in detail as you keep reading below.

Why Are My Rose Cuttings Dying?

The following are various reasons your rose cuttings are dying and what you should do to avert it.


Fungus or disease is one of the most common issues with roses. Black spots, powdery mildew, and other diseases can affect roses.

Cut out any diseased areas using a clean pair of trimmers to avoid the growth of fungus or disease, water only at the roots, acquire a fungicide particularly for roses if the pain remains, and always use a pair of cleaned trimmers to avoid the growth of fungus or disease.


Roses are stunning and have a wonderful scent. Sadly, they can provide a breeding ground for a variety of pests. Slugs, caterpillars, spider mites, and aphids are just a few of the animals that would love to live in your rose bush. Regularly inspect your rose bush for bugs.


Roses are adored by deer! They’ll devour them from top to bottom. If you live in an area where deer are present, try planting your roses in a protected area.

Inadequate fertilizer

Roses have a voracious appetite for food. Other vegetation may be sucking nutrients from your rose if they are placed near other plants or weeds that have sneaked in.

Purchase organic or traditional rose food and follow the instructions on the package to feed your bush regularly. Every 2 to 3 weeks, on average. Remove any weeds that may be sucking nutrients from your rose.


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Excessive fertilizer application

Excessive fertilizer or chemicals on your roses might cause the same problems as a shortage of fertilizer. Your leaves will seem scorched, brown, and shriveled if you use too much fertilizer. During the growing season, use granular fertilizer every three weeks; less frequently in the winter.

Also, keep an eye out for any signs of deficiency in your roses. If you’re in sync with your plants, they’ll tell you exactly what they require. A rose with an iron shortage will have yellow leaves with green veins due to a lack of chlorophyll in the leaves. A manganese shortage will also show itself as a loss of dark green leaf color.

Read also: How to grow roses in pots here


Roses, like other plants, require water. They just do not enjoy having their leaves wet. I know, it’s ridiculous. Water your rose shrub every day, either in the dawn or at dusk, to ensure that the water is absorbed and not evaporated. When watering, only water the roots or the drip line.

In this manner, the rose shrub gets plenty of water without fungus taking hold of the leaves. The best approach to water your roses is to use drip irrigation, which you can set up for them. Mulch is another fantastic option!!! Mulch around your rose bush to assist it to retain moisture and offer it a better chance of survival.


Are you sure you planted your rose in the appropriate spot? When it comes to the perfect amount of sun and protection, roses may be finicky. Roses require 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight per day, depending on the variety.

They do, however, want to be shielded from the elements. This makes roses perfect for planting next to a tree or structure where they will receive morning or afternoon sun while remaining cool during the day.

Recommended: Learn how to grow roses bigger here


  1. Diseases of Rose, retrieved here from ResearchGate
  2. Rose Diseases: Identification and Management,
  3. Downy Mildew: A Serious Disease Threat to Rose Health Worldwide, APS Journal
  4. Rose, retrieved from here from APSNET

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