An heirloom tomato (also known as a heritage tomato in the United Kingdom) is …
- NightshadesVegetables
Are Cherokee Purple Tomatoes Determinate Or Indeterminate? Now Answered
by Idris Ya'uby Idris Ya'uCherokee Purple is the name of an old tomato variety that produces a rich, …
- NightshadesVegetables
Are Roma Tomatoes Determinate Or Indeterminate? Now Answered
by Idris Ya'uby Idris Ya'uRoma tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum) are a famous paste tomato variety. They’re perfect for sauces …
There are two varieties of tomatoes which are the determinate and the indeterminate, however, …
There is some debate about whether or not tomato plants should be pruned, but …
If you only plant one fruit or vegetable this year, make it a tomato! …
- NightshadesVegetables
Determinate Vs Indeterminate Tomatoes: Which One Should You Grow?
by Idris Ya'uby Idris Ya'uThere are dozens of tomato types available in seed catalogs and nursery stock, which …
The cherry tomato is a small round tomato that is thought to be a …
“Bush tomatoes” are another name for determinate tomato plants. They are smaller than regular …
Tomatoes (Solanum Lycopersicum) are divided into two types based on their growth habit: determinate …