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6 Best Parsnip Companion Plants

by Idris Ya'u
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Parsnip is widely regarded as a low-maintenance and stress free crop. it’s usually grown during spring and can be harvested during autumn. This vegetable plant is susceptible to pests that can destroy its delicious taste and nutrients.

Companion planting may be a great way to maximize the potential of your vegetable garden. Putting the proper plants next to each other can prevent pests and disease, suppress weeds,

improve the standard of the soil, conserve water, and supply a lot of other benefits. For your parsnips, companion planting comes with two or three different options.

The requirements to companion planting are just suggestions to stay in mind. Each garden is exclusive and a lot of factors should be considered during the stages that precede Companion planting.

These factors include sun exposure, weather, ecology, pollinators, insect population, soil structure and chemistry, and water system.

This article gives information on the several plants that can be grown alongside this flavorful crop.

In this article you will understand the soil requirements for growing this crop and how it can be Overwintered.

Parsnip companion plants

1# Garlic

Garlic, is within the Amaryllidaceae or onion family that includes leeks, onions, and shallots. it’s shallow roots do not interfere with those of deep-rooted vegetables , ie Parsnips.

Parsnip Companion Plants pungent odor aids in deterring pests just like the aphid and flea beetle that defoliate plants with their voracious chewing. Without a transparent bead on the scent of the roots they seek, these pests may advance to more fragrant feeding sites.

Similarly, the carrot root fly larva, or maggot, another parsnip pest, can also find locating food a challenge when garlic permeates the soil.

And therefore the adult flies may look elsewhere to lay their eggs. Just like the parsnip, garlic tastes very nice after a frosty winter.

2# Onions

The onion, Allium cepa, is closely related to garlic and is extremely similar when it comes to being a good garden friend. Just like the garlic , it deters aphids and carrot root flies, also as their larvae. The shallow roots also are non-competitive.

A unique feature of the onion is that it seems to enhance the flavor of garden edibles planted near it, and parsnips are no exceptions.

3# Anise

This herb features a scent and flavor like that of licorice, and it’s reputed to improve the vibrancy of all plants in close proximity.

Its fragrance helps to confuse sap-sucking aphids, and it plays host to beneficial parasitic wasps that prey on the pesky bugs. Also referred to as aniseed, the seeds of this herb have long been used as a digestive aid and breath freshener.

4# Rosemary

Rosemary, Salvia rosmarinus, is an aromatic herb with astringent, needle-like leaves. They taste and smell sort of a cross between pine and lavender.

In addition to repelling parsnip pests with its bold scent, it’s an excellent example of “positive hosting” when you let it flower and attract pollinators.

5# Lettuce

Garden lettuce , is just that perfect garden neighbor. It grows totally on top of the ground, secured by shallow roots for feeding within the upper soil layer, whereas the parsnip’s roots develop deep within the soil, insulated from what’s happening up top, and happily feeding with no competition.

6# The Radish

Radish , is probably the parsnip’s best Companion. it is an early crop that is up and running long before the parsnip pops out of its seed.

Its roots are shallow, so it feeds high within the soil. The parsnip has a slow germination rate , and mostly takes up to a month to appear.

Once garden weeds are fully swing, it’s easy to forget where you seeded, and if you don’t recognize the parsnip sprouts, you’ll accidentally pull them up.

Though it matures and sprouts in six weeks, the radish does a mighty job as a row marker when interplanted with the parsnip. Its presence clearly indicates where the later-sprouting vegetable will emerge.

What should not be planted next to Parsnip

1# Fennel

Unfortunately fennel may be a pretty anti-social vegetable. It doesn’t get on with many plants in the least and parsnips fall into this group.

The issue is fennel is an allelopathic plant, it’s developed a way of spreading a chemical that will stop other plants from growing. So it’s always best to never grow parsnips or most other plants near fennel.

Other plants that should be kept away and not grown alongside Parsnips include : celeriac, celery, and parsley.

They are very often attacked by the sap sucking carrot fly. They are also suseptible to similar diseases and pest and when grown together you put both plants at risk of being damaged .

What soil do Parsnip grow best?

Parsnip thrive best in deep, loamy soil and a mildly acidic soil pH. They might survive in Sandy soils but when grown in clay or Rocky soils they will turn out to be deformed Parsnips. If you notice that the soil is low in oragnic matter mix with a layer of enriched

They tend to grow up to a foot long or longer , as such you should avoid planting in an unriched soil. Persistent cold could lead to root rot , so ensure you don’t start planting Parsnip in the ground too early.

Can parsnip be left in the ground over winter?

Alot of questions had been raised over time concerning Parsnips , and the prevailing question is if they can be Overwintered.

Yes they can be Overwintered. Take note that when overwintering parsnips they should be properly mulched.

You can use 10 to 11 inches of straw or good compost mulch. After they have been mulched the roots will be stored well in the ground up until you are ready to harvest.


Proper companion Plants of Parsnips will need full sunlight and moist, Sandy , well drained, and a slightly acidic loamy soil.

They would not compete for nutrients, moisture , nourishment or room to grow. With the knowledge acquired on parsnip companion planting its about time you adjust your garden planner and add some of the parsnip pals read above to it.


  1. Parsnip Companion Planting – Choosing Plants That Grow With Parsnips
  3. Parsnips & Companion Planting

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