Download: What Does Parsley Grow Well With? 8+ Parsley Companion Plants
Because of the multiple benefits, it provides to plants, parsley may be found in many gardens. It is a natural growth booster that should be used on any plant that is experiencing limited development. Parsley, on the other hand, can inhibit the growth of some plants, which is why companion planting is so crucial.
This biennial herb should be started indoors before the first frost and then transplanted outside. It has vibrant leaves that combine well with a variety of recipes. To develop a healthy plant, allow the seedling some space.
Plants benefit from parsley because it attracts pollinators and keeps pests at range. It’s one of the herbs gardeners employ to combat pest infestations.
Plant parsley alongside your crops to encourage pollination in your garden. Read on to see which plants will benefit from the flavor boost provided by parsley.
What Does Parsley Grow Well With
You can’t keep making a mistake when it comes to the type of parsley plants you grow. Many plants will benefit from parsley, but not all. To avert tragedy, it is critical to be aware of its good and bad friends.
1) Asparagus
When cultivated in the same soil, parsley and asparagus have a symbiotic relationship. Parsley keeps asparagus insects away from Asparagus, therefore they help each other grow. Because asparagus doesn’t blossom well or yield a harvest all year, you should put parsley between the asparagus plants.
2) Corn
When corn is stored in a barn, bugs might destroy it. Even more so when it’s still in the garden. Corn is a plant that nourishes other plants, yet it can be damaged if it isn’t handled appropriately.
Corn armyworms and crop earworms are major corn pests. Plant parsley in your maize to keep these insects from ruining your harvest.
Remember that parsley is a natural pest repellant that will also lure insects that will eat these pests.
3) Tomatoes
Tomatoes come in a variety of kinds, so you’ll have to do some research to figure out which one will pair well with parsley.
Aphids affect all tomato plants, and parsley can be cultivated with tomatoes to attract hoverflies, a pest that feeds on aphids.
4) Beans
Weevils, aphids, and cutworms are all known to attack beans. Parsely is well-known for its ability to attract pollinators. These insects benefit other plants by consuming pests that would otherwise harm them.
Tachinid flies are drawn to Parsley and feed on cutworms. To keep cutworms at bay, plant beans with parsley.
5) Apples
Apple leaves are primarily destroyed by codling and gypsy insects. This isn’t a problem since parsley attracts a predatory wasp called a braconid wasp, which eats these pests.
6) Pear
Codling Moths are found on pear trees and have the same job as apple codling moths in that they destroy the leaves. Braconid wasps, on the other hand, are attracted to the blossoms of parsley, therefore planting parsley near your pear tree will keep these moths at bay.
7) Rose
Sawflies can wreak havoc on this flower, no matter how lovely it appears. Pests are insects that can harm a crop’s appearance and lower its yield. Plant some parsley herb beside it to get rid of sawflies. Parsley attracts tachinid flies and hoverflies, which feed on sawflies that destroy rose blossoms.
8) Pepper
While the scent of pepper deters pests, it fails to deter aphids and beetles. These pests will not be able to get close to your capsicum if you use Parsely. It will also draw predators who will eat aphids.
9) Brassicas
If you’re a gardener, you’re probably familiar with cabbage worms. They’re the most common pests that attack brassicas.
Brassicas are excellent veggies that include kale, broccoli, and cabbage. Parsley’s ability to attract insects helps contribute to the eradication of these pests.
10) Chives
Chives are a member of the allium family and aren’t a good match for some plants. Other plants in this family, such as onions and garlic, should not be grown with parsley.
Chives are an exception, and growing them in your yard will help parsley more than it will favor you. When Parsley flowers, it invites pollinators and helpful insects that prey on pests, allowing it to attain its full potential.