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Growing Swiss Chard In Raised Bed: Step By Step Guide

by Idris Ya'u
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Swiss chard is cultivated almost all year since it produces a large yield with little effort and is simple to preserve for later use.

Swiss chard, often known as chard, is a delicious leafy green vegetable with shallow roots and huge, colorful leaves and stalks.

Chard is planted in heated soil in the spring and then replanted in the summer and fall to be harvested all year. Swiss chard is a nutritional powerhouse that is high in vitamins and minerals and is especially popular in the Mediterranean region.

Growing Swiss chard in raised bed

Swiss chard thrives in raised beds with rich, nutrient-dense soil. Swiss chard roots have plenty of freedom to grow deep when grown in raised beds.

When it comes to plants, what happens above and below the soil line is mirrored. Giant leaves cannot be expected if the roots have nowhere to go.

The second benefit is further protection from rabbits, which appear to believe that lower beds are a free-for-all smorgasbord. Growing Swiss chard greens and other fragile leaves in a higher-up location appears to deter them.

Make sure your raised beds are full of rich soil so that the Swiss chard can get all of the nutrients it requires to grow big and robust.

You know how you have to feed your food? Swiss chard prefers nutrient-dense soil so much that you could grow it entirely in compost if you chose.

How much room does Swiss chard require to grow?

Swiss chard should be planted 12 to 18 inches apart in a nutrient-rich, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0 to 6.8.

What should not be grown near Swiss chard?

Chard should also not be grown near potatoes, maize, cucumbers, or melons. All of them will either compete for soil nutrients or encourage the growth of hazardous pests.

How many Swiss chard plants can you grow in a square foot?

With lots of water, these full-size plants may normally be harvested for many months. If you intend to cultivate Swiss chard in this manner, space plants two per square foot.

Does Swiss chard prefer direct sunlight?

Chard tolerates moderate light but thrives in full sun. It loves soil that is somewhat rich, well-drained, and has a pH between 6.0 and 7.0. (Slightly acidic to neutral).


Swiss chard grows well in raised beds with nutrient-dense soil. Swiss chard may be utilized in so many various ways that the only limit is your imagination.

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