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Learn About Growing Celeriac Problems

by Idris Ya'u
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  1. 15+ Celeriac Companion Plants

This may not be the finest vegetables you will come across in the farmers market, neither is it among your regular trending vegetables, it’s sumptuous flavor and versatility in the kitchen will make you change your mind on this amazing vegetable. This vegetable is commonly known as the celeriac plant.

It is amazing how a plant of celeriacs quality has not gained as much recognition as it duely deserves . Some day it is due to its weird appearance or others say the complex nature of this plant makes difficult to enjoy.

Irregardless , I support the notion that celeriac should be more recognized and widely regarded as it is nowadays and perhaps be the veggie of the year if there’s any tittle of that sort . A little time in the spotlight would be totally nice.

For what is worth , you can start the trend by growing this versatile veggie in your garden . Read further to find out certain problems associated with growing this edible vegetable , the difference between celeriac and celery root.

This serves as a guide to many who do not know how celeriac should be watered and spaced during cultivation. This article will give basic insights on celeriac pest and diseases.

What are the growing celeriac problems?

As wholesome as this vegetable is , it also has it’s fair share of problems and challenges that come with cultivation . They come in the shape of pest , diseases and general issues that occur during planting of celeriac.

Celeriac Growing Problems

1# Celeriac seeds would not germinate

Celeriac seeds take some time before germinating. Moreso, the rate at which this type of seeds germinate is a bit low. If you are cultivating celeriac the right way there’s every possibility that the plant will sprout at the right time and if this is not happening it may be as case of ill luck.

2# Small roots

This occurs when the plant is not often watered or the soil is lacking moisture and necessary nutrients . Make sure to water regularly and mulch , so as to prevent stunted or smaller roots.

Bad weather conditions could be a potential cause of small roots . Unusually cold weather conditions can make the bulbs small.

3# Early flowering

Celeriac is naturally a biennial plant , as such transplanting earlier than expected could cause confusion in the plants growth thereby leading to early flowering.

Proper attention should be paid to the weather before transplanting as bad timing could cause you not to get the thick root bulb you desired.

Pests of Celeriac

1# Cutworms

They attack plants and cut them off at their base thereby killing them. Diatomaceous earth and plant collars should be used to repel them.

2# Slugs

At spring time slugs usually attack baby celeriac plants . They cause a lot of damage to the plant at its Early stages thereby leaving little or no room for growth . Slug pellets are to be used in order to fight these pest.

4# Aphids

Aphids are known for their constant attack on vegetables and crops in general. Their attacks could lead to damage and death of the plant .

They can be scared off by regularly spraying of water on the plant . Gardeners also apply Neem oil to stop them from returning to the plant.

5# Celeriac rust fly

These are very harmful bugs that are not common to celeriac plants but can cause an infestation that will spread and kill the plant . Adequate soil maintenance and plant rotation should be helpful in keeping pest away from your celeriac.

Diseases of Celeriac

1# Celery Mosaic

This is a disease that make the foilage of celeriac turn yellow with an exfoliative pattern . It’s breeds aphids so make sure you water constantly . Practice weeding to stop the spread.

2# Leaf Blight

Blights that attack celeriac include, early blight and late blight . The early blight causes small brown spots with a yellow halo to form on the leaves.

While the late blight leads to Brown spots that spread until the whole leave turns dry . To avert this soak the seeds in a formaldehyde solution for forty minutes.

What Is the difference and similarities between celeriac and celery root?

Despite the fact that these two vegetables are from the same family, celeriac and celery are very much different plants.

Most farmers grow celery for it’s edible leaves and stalks whilst celeriac is grown for it’s flavourful roots . The roots and stalks of celeriac taste similarly to celery but celeriac is more soil like.

Although they can be eaten raw or cooked their textures are different and cannot be interchanged in the kitchen .

This tasty vegetables can sit in the ground all through winter time and used when needed . It earthly nature makes it possible to be stored in the ground for many months up until you need to harvest them . Meanwhile celery, is a perishable vegetable and liable to rot when not eaten once it has been harvested.

Why does my celeriac taste bitter ?

1# Lack of nutrients

As seen with many other vegetables shortage of nutrients can lead to harvesting a malnourished and bitter tasting plant.

To explain further, if the plants lack necessities needed to thrive they would not only under grow but would definitely not taste nice.

Celeriac is quite a heavy feeder and also an easy vegetable to maintain . It just needs the right amount of fertilizer every four weeks to stay nourished.

It is advisable to enrich your soil with well rotten manure and compost before you start planting thereby giving the celeriac a rich soil to grow in.

3# Lack of Water

When celeriac does not get enough water it will produce harsh and bitter roots . Each celeriac plants requires at least an inch or two inches of water every week , if it does not get necessary moisture it will be sour when harvested.


Finally on growing this amazing vegetable, celeriac could serve as an alternative to potatoes. So if you ever run out of potatoes try celeriac and you totally love it.

Hopefully this article has helped discern the difference between celeriac and celery root. Many should indulge in growing this vegetable.


  1. Celery and Celeriac: A Critical View on Present and Future Breeding
  2. Effects on Crop Development, Yields and Chemical Composition of Celeriac (Apium graveolens L. var. rapaceum) Cultivated Underneath an Agrivoltaic System

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