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Growing Beets in a Raised Bed: Step By Step Guide

by Idris Ya'u
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Beets are easy crops that can be planted in many types of soil. It is the predominant option for growing in raised beds. Many gardeners wish to plant beets in raised beds but don’t know how to get started.

If you are a beginning beet grower, below are the steps you can take to grow beets in a raised bed.

The Location

Beets have a compelling need for 5 hours of direct sunlight to grow properly. So it is necessary to place your raised bed in an east-facing direction.

I believe that the east is the best direction because your raised bed fence will be able to receive early morning sun, followed by the mid-day shade that the beets need.

Before you get started, it is essential to note the following:

Place your raised bed where it will be able to absorb morning sunlight and afternoon shade.

Very hot temperatures can hurt beets, so it is expected of farmers to avoid opening them to the harsh sun in the afternoon.
Beets require 5 hours of direct sunlight in the morning to grow and bear fruit.

Beets in a typical condition grow well and become productive at a cool temperature. So, subjecting them to conditions like direct sunlight during the cool morning hours results in healthy production.

The Dimensions

Beets do not require a large space, so that is why a raised bed is a good option for growing beets. Normally, a 2 foot by 2 foot raised bed for beets can spring up and flourish with up to 15 beet plants. The size of your raised bed is determined by the number of beets you want to plant.

Considering the dimension, you need to note the following:

Beets can be planted in a very small raised bed.

It is best to consider growing beets in a large raised bed shared by onions, catnip, cabbage, lettuce, radishes, and other plants.

In essence, you can make use of a small part of a large expanse of the raised bed to grow many beets.

The Soil

As I stated earlier, beets are extremely heavy feeders, so it is necessary to plant them in productive soil. To perform this task, it is expected of the farmers to mix healthy compost into the raised bed soil.

Your raised bed should be able to sustain 6 parts of the soil, 3 parts of aged compost, and 1 part of potting soil with perlite. Beets also grow in well-draining soil, so the potting mix is necessary.

Please note that:

Beets need a large concentration of soil nutrients, so it is essential to mix your healthy compost into the soil.
Your mixed compost should be 35% of the soil in your raised bed for your beets.

For improvement of your drainage, you need to mix a small amount of your potting soil into your raised bed for your beets.
Possibly, you can make use of sandy soil to encourage a significant harvest of beets.

In the process of preparing your raised bed, it is essential to make use of loose soil. If it is convenient for you, you can select slightly sandy soil because sandy soil drains quickly and keeps your beets in a healthy shape.

The Planting

Farmers must plant beet seeds in flowing rows in their raised beds. Beet seeds should be planted 5 cm apart, that is 2 inches apart.

Do not forget to plant your seeds 10 cm away from the wall of the beet raised bed. If you know you are growing more than one row of beets, make sure you space the rows 20 cm apart. This ensures sufficient space for the beetโ€™s growth.

Make sure to water right away after planting. Planting seeds in rows of 5 cm is essential to ensure good growth. Under the soil surface, you must plant your seed 0.5 inches before the depth of the soil.

Beets should be planted 10 cm from the walls, which is a good measurement. Plant beet seeds 12 inches below the soil surface because shallow planting causes plants to spring up.

The Watering

Beets require water just once per week in cool and cloudy conditions. Then their watering season increases to 2-3 weeks of watering per week in hot temperatures or weather. Once the weather is cloudy, water your beets once a week. Once the weather becomes warm, water your beets 2-3 times a week.

The Harvest

To harvest bed root beets, be aware of the root bulb to avoid damage. For large beets, make sure you wait until the bulb turns to the exact size of a tennis ball. Make sure you use a knife to cut off the leaves 2.5 cm above the soil.

By gathering a few leaves from each plant, you will enjoy your fresh green beet without damaging the beetโ€™s harvest.


Beets are a good choice for raised beds because many beets are nurtured in a small space.

You can also replant beets once you harvest them to have more yield. I believe I have been able to teach you how to grow beets in a raised bed.

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