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How To Grow Parsley From Seeds

by Idris Ya'u
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Once planted, parsley is a popular herb that requires little upkeep. It’s biannual, meaning it blooms (bolts) every two years. Beginners may find growing parsley from seed to be difficult. You’ll have a lot more success once you learn a few tricks. I’ll tell you everything you need to know about growing parsley seeds and show you how to do it step by step in this article.

Types Of Parsley Seeds To Grow

Yearly, I plant both flat leaf and curly leaf kinds in my garden. Cooking using flat-leaf parsley is preferable. Italian dark green flat, single plain-leafed, and huge leaf are among my favorites.

Curly leaf parsley is both attractive and enjoyable to grow. It’s not only tasty, but it’s also lovely in pots or the garden as an aesthetic plant. It also works well as a garnish for your foods.

What Do Parsley Seeds Look Like?

The seeds of the parsley plant are small and delicate. If you’re aware of the famous cooking spice fennel, they look a lot like them. They are oval and have a small arch to them. They’re tan and have vertical lines running down them.

Parsley seeds can be grown indoors or simply planted in the garden in the winter. Depending on where you live, you’ll use a different approach. Starting parsley seeds inside, if you live in a cold area like I do, will allow them more time to mature, resulting in a better crop. I have, nevertheless, successfully sown them.

You can simply sow the seeds directly into your garden in warmer growing regions, or you can consider winter sowing.

When To Plant Parsley Seeds

Parsley seeds can be sown immediately into your garden 4 to 6 weeks before your typical final frost date, or as soon as the soil can be cultivated in early spring because it is cold resistant and won’t be hurt by frost.

Plant them 6-8 weeks before your usual last frost date if you plan on starting them inside. Based on where you reside, the actual planting date will differ. If you live in zone 4b, for instance, you should start your parsley seeds inside in March.

How To Grow Parsley From Seeds

The planting stages are the same if you’re cultivating them indoors or outdoors; you won’t need any special equipment if you’re sowing them directly. Instead, you’ll need to gather a few things.

Supplies Needed:

  1. Seedling flat with a lid
  2. Pre-moistened seed starting soil or peat pellets
  3. Seeds
  4. Water
  5. Heat mat (optional)

Load the seed trays

Load your seedling trays with a high-quality seed-starting medium if you’re growing parsley seeds indoors. If you like, you can use seed pellets and lay them on the tray.

Determine the number of seeds to plant

It’s a smart option to plant 2-3 per hole, cell, or pellet (if you’re growing them indoors or outside) because they can be demanding. If you’re directly sowing the seeds in your garden, keep the groupings 6-8 inches apart.

Plant the seeds

Because they’re so small, only plant them a quarter-inch deep. I prefer to place them on the soil surface and gently press them down to the desired depth to make sowing them simpler.

Read also: How To Grow Parsley Indoors

Seeds should be protected

Apply a small layer of soil to the seeds and tenderly press them down. Just enough so that the soil gets in touch with the seeds, but not too much.

Apply water

To avoid dislodging the small seeds, irrigate your seeds with a moderate spray from your garden hose or by splashing water into the seed trays indoors.

Trays should be covered

Cover each tray with a plastic lid if you’re cultivating parsley seeds indoors to preserve the soil moist and warm.

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