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Learn About Growing Strawberries In Raised Beds

by Idris Ya'u
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Strawberries are not classified as crops grown in organic gardens like others. Strawberries are interplanting supports for garden beds, and they grow properly when planted in a conducive environment.

If you decide to grow strawberry plants in a raised garden or bed, especially above the ground level, you will see a drastic difference in fruit set and yield during harvest.

Nurturing strawberries in a raised bed can be done easily. The plant also maintains the beautiful leaves of the fruits and cottage-like flower clusters. It is a preference if you have extremely dense soil in your area.

The greatest and biggest setback in cultivating strawberries in raised beds is the price of buying a quality raised bed. Nevertheless, setting up a raised bed is not expensive when you create it yourself. It is the most effective method for preparing, growing, and nurturing your sweet strawberries.

How Can I Grow My Strawberries?

One of the simplest fruits you can ever nurture on a raised bed is the strawberry. They are referred to as perennials that can be grown in your garden each year. They can be grown in a small environment or space because the cost of production is very low.

Growing Strawberries from the Seed Stage

Below is a detailed guide on how to grow strawberries from seed form to harvesting stage.

Row covers are said to be the best alternative to protect your growing strawberries in raised beds.

If you decide to sustain the wet soil in a raised bed for your plants, you must get a protective covering spread on the ground to reduce the rate of evaporation,

maintain the temperature of the soil where the strawberries are growing, prevent erosion, control weeds, enrich the soil, and make your fruit hygienic for consumption.

Because of the low roots of strawberry plants, they will require frequent watering. They may need an inch for each square foot every week.

Benefits of the Raised Strawberry Bed

As I have said earlier, raised beds are the best option for strawberry plants. The setting up of a strawberry raised bed provides excellent drainage that the growing strawberry needs and aids in controlling the rate of soil your strawberry plant needs for growth.

Moreover, raised beds make it easier to nurture your strawberry plants. It’s important to protect your strawberries from flying creatures like birds and hungry chipmunks by planting them in the ground so that you can grow and harvest them.

Other advantages of growing strawberries on a raised bed are:

  1. It is very easy to know your plant’s growth, especially signs of healthy and unhealthy conditions.
  2. Ensuring your berries get enough water is not a problem.
  3. The rate of weed is limited.
  4. The categories of fast-spreading berries are within a confined space.

What Type of Soil Can I Use for Strawberry Cultivation?

An acidic, light, and loamy soil is the best option for strawberry cultivation. Consequently, it is important to analyse your soil because many nutrient-rich organic elements are advantageous for the soil. If your soil is lacking fertilization, you can add a few nutrients to get it in the right state.

It is advisable to add nutrients to your soil before planting because strawberries are perennial plants. The pH of your soil should be within the range of 5.6-6.5. The best range is between pH 6.0-6.5, so it can grow healthily.

What is the Best Soil Mix for Strawberry Plants?

The best soil mix for your soil is made by mixing potting soil, balanced and accurate fertilizer, compost, and old manure compost.

The above is the accurate mix for raised beds that are very low in height, but for higher beds, it is advisable to begin by filling the bed with lots of branches and straw. After this, you can spread the mix around to help the growth.

What is the Suitable Location for Growing Strawberries in a Raised Bed?

You must ensure that the location or environment where you have decided to grow your strawberry plants has 7โ€“10 hours of sun each day.

What many people donโ€™t know is that strawberries flourish in the presence of the sun (light), so make sure your location receives sunshine each day.

How Can I Preserve My Strawberries?

They can be completely refrigerated for about 55โ€“60 days. Although, most of the time, if they are kept for too long, they lose their taste and flavour. Therefore, it’s advisable to consume or sell them after a few days of harvest.

What is the Right Time for Planting Strawberries?

Based on the environment, you have decided to plant your strawberries. The environment will determine the time you will plant your berries.

If you decide to plant your strawberries in a hot environment, it is advisable to plant them when the weather is conducive for the plants.

When it is in a cooler environment, your planting must be in spring.


Strawberries are prone to many diseases and destructive pests. Therefore, it is advisable to set up bed netting.

Bed Netting can prevent birds and pests from destroying your strawberries so they can have a proper growth for your harvest. I believe I have been able to teach you how to grow strawberries in raised beds.


  1. Growing Fruit: Strawberries [fact sheet]
  2. The Effect of Cultivation Method of Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) cv. Honeoye on Structure and Degradation Dynamics of Pectin during Cold Storage
  3. Plant Response of Strawberry to Intra-row Spacing and Growing Conditions in South of Jordan
  4. Growing Strawberries in Your Home Garden

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