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How to Revive a Dying Potted Rose Plant

by Idris Ya'u
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Most times when a potted rose plant begins to die, it’s simply because the pots are either too small or the pots are without drainage hole or perhaps, have poor drainage systems.

Small pots are known to dry out much quicker, resulting in a wilting and dying rose. A pot having no drainage holes will make the soil too damp and thus, making the rose to die from root rot.

Potted roses can also die from lack of direct sunlight as well as fluctuating indoor temperatures. Lack of direct sunlight and fluctuating indoor temperatures can make the rose to drop its leaves and this gives a signal of stress.

However, a dying rose can be revived and to revive a dying rose, you need to transplant it into a larger pot. On a normal basis, your pot is expected to be nothing less than 12 inches across with a similar proportional depth. To replant and revive your roses:

Replant in a bigger pot having a good drainage in the base. Next, you need to discard the potting soil from the small pot and make use of good quality multipurpose compost.

Compost happens to be the optimal growing medium for growing roses as it possesses a porous structure which allows for root respiration and to permit the escape of excess water to prevent it from becoming boggy around the roots.

Water the rose adequately when replanted to aid it in establishing and mitigating transplant shock. You can also add some fertilizer to help revive the rose after planting.

Once you have transplanted your dying rose, place the pot in full sun and water it adequately at least for the first 3 months. Ref1 Ideally roses should be watered once a week but it can also be watered twice a week most especially during drought or heat wave as pots tend to dry out quicker when compared with garden boarders.

Note: Roses are best grown in terracotta, clay, as well as ceramic pots. Using a metal or plastic pot is not advisable as metal and plastic are known to conduct heat or efficiently making the soil dry out much quicker.

Watering of the roses frequently can make it recover from drought. Also it can aid the display of flowers. Asides inadequate water, certain factors such as inadequate light, poor air circulation, as well as fluctuating temperatures can contribute to the dying stages of roses.

Why are my roses dying more quickly?

This can be as a result of excess fertilizers or chemicals on your roses which can make your roses look burnt and shrivelled.

Can a dead rose be brought back to life?

I’m afraid this is quite impossible. Dead rose bushes can’t be brought back to life but if they are just starting to die and not totally dead yet, they can be revitalized.

How do I remove a dead rose bush?

This can be done by digging out the whole root ball at once. This method is much easier than chopping through their roots near the base of the plant.


Roses can be brought back to life if they aren’t totally dead yet. This article can serve as a guideline for you.

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