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How To Grow Roses From Seeds

by Idris Ya'u
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Roses like other plants can also be grown from seeds and in this article, you’ll learn various steps taken to grow them from seeds. Roses grown from seeds take a bit more time to grow, but you’ll finish up with a whole new variety of types.

However, expert hybridizers choose a new range of disease-resistant, simple roses to propagate. When they ultimately blossom, though, each seedling will be a pleasure for you.

How To Grow Roses From Seeds

Now when it comes to growing roses from seed, there are a few steps to take. Experts begin in the garden, where they observe the flowering and pollination process while selecting favorite types.

However, let’s start with the process right away. The following are various steps taken to grow roses from seeds.

Seed gathering

The bulge, or ovary, behind a rose bloom, is known as the rose hips. The rose seeds are found within the rose hips. Once rose hips have ripened and the blossoms have faded, the first solution is to extract them from the plant and cut them open cautiously.

You’ll notice that the bulge is densely filled with seeds after cutting it open. Using the tip of a knife or any other garden implements, collect the seeds.

Make the rose seeds clean

Following the collection of seeds from rose hips, the seeds must be cleaned to remove extra pulp. Putting the seeds in a mesh or strainer and washing them under running water is an effective way of cleaning them. Because leftover pulps may hinder the seeds from germinating, this step is critical.

Germinate the seeds

You can immerse the rose seeds in a diluted hydrogen peroxide solution to germinate them. This procedure is voluntary, but it will help prevent mold from growing on the seeds.

Stir well when you add 1.5 teaspoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide to 1 cup of water. In this solution, soak the rose seeds for one hour. If hydrogen peroxide isn’t easily accessible in your home, an anti-fungal powder for plants can be used instead. Lightly dust the seeds with the powder.

Rose seeds thrive in the cold. As a result, you’ll need to place them between gently dampened paper towels or in a container of slightly damp salt-free sand, vermiculite, or peat moss.

Next, place the paper towel containing the rose seeds in a seedling tray or reusable plastic bag in the refrigerator. For several weeks, store the seeds indoors.

Stratification is the name given to this process. If you’re using store-bought seeds that specify they’ve been stratified on the package, you may skip this step and go straight to planting.

Read also: How to grow roses in pots here

Get the seeds out of the fridge

Seeds might take anywhere from 4 to 16 weeks to germinate, based on the rose variety. 70 percent of the time, they won’t sprout at all., Don’t worry, though, because the 30% nevertheless provides you faith!

Ensure the temperature outdoors is around 70° Fahrenheit before taking the seeds from the fridge. Lay the seeds aside and get them ready to plant.

Plant the rose seeds

As soon as the rose seeds start to sprout, plant them. To give each seed adequate room to grow, sow the sprouting seeds in seedling trays at a depth of ¼ inches and 2 inches apart.

Use a moist soil solution that isn’t too damp and squishy. The sprouting seeds usually take a week to mature and become seedlings.

The seedlings are ready for transplant

After the last frost has passed, is the perfect time to transplant your rose seedlings. When you observe the roots in the container are thick and close-packed, and the regular rose leaves are beginning to emerge, it’s time to transplant the seedlings.

Rose seedlings should also be relocated to a larger pot or planter and grow the roses in pots for a year or two before being put outside with the other plants. Monitor your seedlings and begin watering them regularly whenever you find they are looking excellent and healthy.

Adding fertilizer to the rose plant during the warmer months can help it grow bigger and produce more flowers.

Recommended: Learn how to grow roses bigger here


I hope you find this article helpful. I would like to hear from you. So, let me know if you have any questions about growing roses from seeds. Also, learn how to grow roses from cuttings using honey here.


  1. Comparison of Greenhouse Energy Requirements for Rose Cultivation in Europe and North Africa, MDPI Journal
  2. CULTIVATION OF ROSE (ROSA INDICA L.), Updatepublishing Journal
  3. Cultivation of rose (Rosa indica L.), ResearchGate

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